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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Hannity: Durham investigation expands its scope into the origins of the 2016 Trump campaign...

The John Durham investigation expands its scope into the origins of the 2016 Trump campaign surveillance, including into Mueller's special counsel appointment. "The Durham investigation...
Marc Short on Democrats' impeachment inquiry

Marc Short: The American people know an impeachment inquiry sham when they see one

Marc Short, chief of staff for Vice President Mike Pence, joins Bret Baier on 'Special Report saying that the American people know an impeachment...
Trump Remarks on Impeachment Inquiry

Trump: We will cooperate with impeachment inquiry if Dems treat us fairly

President Donald Trump says that if a full vote is held in the House and if Democrates treat us fairly we will cooperate with...
Sean Hannity on FOX

Hannity: Democrats are about impeachment without facts

Sean Hannity discusses how the Democrats are about impeachment without facts. Democrats are working to subvert the will of the American people with their...

Dan Bongino discusses Ukraine transcript, and second whistleblower

Author and Fox News contributor Dan Bongino says he's getting tired of the 'misinformation' surrounding the Ukraine story and says the second whistleblower makes...
Jay Sekulow

Sekulow: The transcript is already out, second whistleblower has nothing

President Donald Trump's attorney, Jay Sekulow, reacts to second whistleblower coming forward and the court battle over the president's tax returns. Watch the latest...
Sean Hannity on FOX

Push to Impeach President Trump

Radio talk show host Larry Elder and ACU chairman Matt Schlapp share their thoughts on the Democrats' push to impeach President Trump om FOX's...
Tucker Carlson on FOX

President Clinton asked for a political favor from UK PM Tony Blair

Bill Clinton asked for a political favor in a manner similar to the Trump-Ukraine phone call but without the controversy. Watch the latest video...
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Chambers

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Trump anti-Semitic over criticism of Rep. Adam Schiff

Watch the latest video at foxnews.com President Trump anti-Semitic, no way says Former New York City Council President Andrew Stein on Fox & Friends as...
T­h­e N­e­x­t Revolution with Steve Hilton on Fox News

Steve Hilton looks at the actually impeachment evidence, not the talking points!

It looks like this impeachment may end up with a trial in the Senate and as we move toward that Steve Hilton wants anyone...
T­h­e N­e­x­t Revolution with Steve Hilton on Fox News

Swamp Watch: The Bidens and Ukraine

Steve Hilton discusses Joe Biden and how he has contradicted himself again and again, but he continues to support the gas industry behind the...

Adam Schiff gets 4 Pinocchio’s for Lying About Whistleblower

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff discusses confronting acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire about a whistleblower complaint not brought to the committee. ...