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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Kash’s Corner: More Indictments Are Coming; Unraveling the Origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax

Special counsel John Durham is sending a signal that more indictments are coming, says Kash Patel. “When you issue an indictment for lying to the FBI, like...

23 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo and Radiation

An important scientific review identifies 23 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy
Trump Rally Des Moines Iowa on October 9, 2021

President Donald J. Trump’s Full Speech in Des Moines, Iowa

In Oct. 2021 Iowa speech, Trump described the grim picture painted for America because of the actions or inactions of the Biden-Harris Admin.

John Earle Sullivan Released Conditionally Without Bail After Arrest Over Capitol Building Breach

Leftist activist John Sullivan was booked for investigation of rioting, making a threat of violence and criminal mischief and was released without bail.

Facebook Now Sending Warnings to Some Users About Potentially ‘Extremist’ Friends

Some Facebook users have recently reported being sent warning messages from the social media giant relating to “extremists” or “extremist content.” “Are you concerned that someone you...

Fauci-Led Agency Funded Abusive Animal Experiments Promising To Kill Dozens Of Beagles

NIAID under Fauci is granting taxpayer funds for abusive animal experimentation, according to documents found by a government watchdog group.
Schematic of Earth's Orbit around the Sun

Study Finds Sun—not CO2—May Be Behind Global Warming

New peer-reviewed paper finds evidence of systemic bias in UN IPCC's data selection to support climate-change narrative The sun and not human emissions of carbon...
A Commitment to End Woke and Weaponized Government

A Commitment to End Woke and Weaponized Government

The Center For Renewing America has a budget proposal on which the American people can get on board, and it begins to balance the budget starting in 2023.

Countless stores closing shop in San Francisco thanks to law that effectively legalizes shoplifting...

SAN FRANCISCO, CA- Brazen shoplifting in San Francisco has forced more than a dozen Walgreens drug stores to close over the last five years thanks...
Net Zero Dogma

Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’

Prominent climate scientists take on EPA's new rules to cut CO2 emissions in electricity generation, regulations “will be disastrous for the country, for no scientifically justifiable reason.”
Danielle Weston on War Room

Brave School Board Member Fights Back After Push To Silence Her

The school boards of America have become the front line of the cultural war against traditional values, and people like Danielle Weston of Round...

ShutDown DC: Donald Trump Must Go

Federal Employees Attend A "Shut Down DC" Zoom Chat on Tactics For Sabotaging Government Bureaucracy. In the video above ShutDown DC hosts a Zoom Chat...