New Rasmussen Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Anti-Police Attitudes

A Rasmussen survey released Tuesday showed that a majority of likely voters reject anti-police attitudes. One question asked participants their thoughts on a statement made by Rep. Cori...

America’s White Population Shrank for 1st Time in US History, Census Data Show

The 2020 census results show that the total white population in the United States shrank for the first time in U.S. history, according to data released...
What is Critical Race Theory Panel

CRT Shares the Same Ideology as China’s Cultural Revolution, Chinese American Warns

The Heritage Action for America, a partner organization of the Heritage Foundation, hosted a panel discussion on critical race theory (CRT) in Georgetown, Delaware, on July...

School Board President Rips Mic Away From Mother Speaking Out Against CRT

A Pennsylvania school board president is facing backlash after he cut off an Iranian immigrant mother who was speaking out against the teaching of...

American Medical Association Faces Backlash for Calling to Remove Sex From Birth Certificates

The American Medical Association (AMA), the largest organization of physicians and medical students in the United States, came under fire over the weekend for...

Minnesotans Take Legal Action Over Critical Race Theory

A law firm has taken legal action on behalf of Minnesotans opposed to Critical Race Theory (CRT) who argue that they have become victims...

Hasbro Suspends Critical Race Training Whistleblower, Says Report ‘Mischaracterizes Our Values’

Hasbro has reportedly suspended a whistleblower who leaked an internal training session at the company that claimed children as young as two can harbor racial biases....

Whistlerblower says Hasbro Pushing Critical Race Theory on Kids

BREAKING: Project Veritas unveils a new whistleblower from inside @Hasbro who says the company is secretly pushing critical race theory on kids across the...
Attorney General Austin Knudsen

Montana Attorney General Provides Legal Basis for Rejecting Critical Race Theory: Activists

Putting the fight against critical race theory –which holds that white people are inherently racist— on a firmer footing by emphasizing that teaching it in public...

Starbucks Manager Quits Over Woke Culture That Led to Bullying, Division

Award-winning manager says company’s ‘anti-racist’ indoctrination led to choice between 'my morals, my values, my beliefs—or my job' Amanda Wannagat was an exemplary Starbucks store manager. Wannagat had...

Navy Must Focus More on Warfighting and Less on Diversity Training: Report

When announcing the christening of the USNS John Lewis replenishment oiler on July 16, Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Harker said sailors will be...

Virginia PTA Leader Ousted After Apparently Wishing Death on Anti-Critical Race Theory Parents

A Virginia Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) official has resigned after she was seen on video at a protest making incendiary remarks about parents who oppose critical...