Business CEO

CEOs are the new lawmakers

American CEOs, forced into politics by cultural trends and staff demands in recent years, are hitting a new phase — actual lawmakers and rule-shapers. Why...

Conservative Gays Speak Out Against ‘Radical LGBTQ Agenda’

Conservative gays against radical LGBTQ+ agenda promoting drag queen events for children and de-gendering society by pushing transgenderism.
Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom Orlando Florida

Disney Embraces Race Politics, Critical Race Theory in Employee Training: Leaked Documents

The Walt Disney Corporation is pushing the quasi-Marxist critical race theory in on its employees, teaching them that America has “a long history of...

Founder Of Black Lives Matter St. Paul Resigned After Learning “Ugly Truth”

In Minnesota, the founder of a local BLM chapter released a video explaining how he resigned from the Black Lives Matter organization. Rashard Turner, the founder of...
Stacy Langton

Virginia mom barred from son’s public school library after complaining about pornographic books

Stacy Langton gave impassioned speech Sept. 23 at school board meeting before a moderator cut her off A Virginia mother has been blocked from entering her son’s...

Texas AG Declares Sex-Change Procedures on Kids to Be ‘Child Abuse’

Texas AG Ken Paxton announced that sex-change procedures on children constitute “child abuse” under Texas law, following similar finding by TX Dept. of Family and Protective Services.

Biden Appointee Imposing CRT-Based Training on National Credit Union Administration

Employees and contractors of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)—the federal agency that regulates the credit union industry—are being subjected to racial bias and...
Matt Salmon For Governor Arizona

Leading The Charge Against School Board Bullies In Arizona

It becomes clearer with each passing day that significant portions of the school board establishment are corrupt to the core. To be clear, not all hardworking teachers should be stigmatized by the actions...

Parents Warn of Their Children Being Subjected to Transgender Indoctrination

A story by three mothers In the United States, a sharp rise in the number of children identifying as transgender has alarmed some parents. As these numbers rapidly grow,...

Florida School Board Postpones Vote on Textbooks Until Publisher Addresses Pro-BLM and CRT Content

On June 7, the Collier County School Board (CCSB) convened a hearing to discuss the textbooks being considered for adoption for use in their school districts....

Netflix Scraps Plan to Produce ‘Antiracist Baby’ Cartoon Aimed at Preschoolers

Netflix canceled two projects based on books by critical race theory advocate Ibram X. Kendi, including animated show aimed at preschoolers.

The Truth Behind Critical Race Theory

In this episode of “Counterculture” with Danielle D’Souza-Gill, she explains the history of critical race theory and its origins. Where did this theory come from and how...