Elon Musk Says Censorship on Twitter Poses ‘Civilizational Risk’

Billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk said Thursday the reason he’s trying to buy Twitter is not to make money but to turn it into a bastion of free speech...

New Hampshire School Boards Association Leaves National Organization Over Parent Controversy

The New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA) announced Thursday that it has withdrawn from the national organization following the group’s efforts to target parents. The National School...

Anti-Defamation League Changes Its Definition of Racism After Backlash

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has again changed its definition of racism amidst public backlash, after the organization’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, criticized then accepted the apology of television personality Whoopi...
The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty

New UN-backed legal recommendations normalize sex with minors, outraged critics say

A shocking report issued by international legal experts with the backing of the United Nations appears to open the floodgates to normalize sex with minors. 

Biden’s Proposed Funding of Critical Race Theory Puts US on a ‘Very Dark Path’:...

The Biden administration’s proposal to fund education programs informed by Critical Race Theory (CRT) is “dangerous and pernicious,” according to senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum, Inez...

‘The Ugly Hand’ of Critical Race Theory in Schools, Attacks on Merit-Based Admission—Asra Nomani

In schools across America, “diversity, equity, and inclusion” initiatives are on the rise. At top-ranked high schools, merit-based, race-blind admission exams are being overhauled...

Pax­ton Joins a Mul­ti­state Coali­tion to Stop the Sup­pres­sion of Par­ents’ Right to Free...

Attorney General Ken Paxton joined a multistate coalition to defend the right to free speech for concerned parents across the country. In early October, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a Memorandum, in response to a letter from the National School...

Loudoun County judge finds boy ‘in a skirt’ GUILTY of sexually assaulting female student...

Victim's vindicated parents demand apology from NSBA for labeling them 'domestic terrorists' for trying to protect their daughter Scott Smith's daughter was sexually assaulted at...
National Education Association Logo

Largest Teachers’ Union Quietly Removes Pro-CRT Agenda Items From Website

The nation’s largest teachers’ union has quietly taken down a series of adopted and proposed resolutions from its website, including one that calls for...

School District Won’t Sue Mother Who Filed 200 Record Requests Over Critical Race Theory

A school committee in Rhode Island has voted to not sue a woman for filing what they said were over 200 separate public records requests about...

More Secret Gender Transition Closets Discovered in Public Schools

Secret trans closets stocked with transgender clothes for students to wear at school are being discovered in public schools.

US Catholic universities offer campuses as refuge for ‘harassed’ Jewish students

Yeshiva University builds coalition of institutions willing to expedite transfers for Jewish students fleeing antisemitism at colleges since Hamas massacres.