Terry Schilling on War Room Pandemic

Terry Schilling: Fox News Pushing Groomer Agenda On Children

Terry Schilling looks at FOX News Pride Month segment as Dana Perino introduces the “journey” of a child transitioning at the age of 5.

Loudoun County Superintendent Appears to Admit District Violated State Law by Not Reporting Sexual...

The superintendent of a Virginia school district appeared to admit on Oct. 15 that the district violated state law in failing to properly report alleged sexual...

Gender Issues: Vivek Ramaswamy vs Chuck

In an interview with Meet the Press, 2024 GOP presidential primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy debates gender issues with Chuck Todd. Transcript Chuck Todd: And Vivek...
Terry Schilling on War Room

Huge Victory For The War Room Posse in S.D.

Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project breaks major news of a MAGA victory in South Dakota to protect women’s sports from biological males...

Biden Appointee Imposing CRT-Based Training on National Credit Union Administration

Employees and contractors of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)—the federal agency that regulates the credit union industry—are being subjected to racial bias and...
Critical Race theory

New Critical Race Theory Report Confirms ‘Tide Is Changing,’ Expert Says

State and local countermeasures against CRT—a quasi-Marxist framework that views the U.S. as systemically racist—are on the rise in 2023, according to report.
Parents Defending Education's Consultant Report Card

Parents Defending Education: Consultant Report Card

What is the Consultant Report Card? In the spring of 2021, when we launched Parents Defending Education, a national nonprofit, parents started flooding our in-box...

Major Toy Manufacturer Pushing CRT

David Johnson, a packaging engineer at Hasbro toy company, joined Steve Bannon to talk about how the company is pushing critical race theory on...

School Board ‘Shenanigans’ Inspire Greater Interest Among Parents to Vote in Midterm Elections

Critical race theory, obscene books, and forced mask mandates inspire new perspectives While most admit to voting only in presidential elections, a year of what...
Matt Salmon For Governor Arizona

Leading The Charge Against School Board Bullies In Arizona

It becomes clearer with each passing day that significant portions of the school board establishment are corrupt to the core. To be clear, not all hardworking teachers should be stigmatized by the actions...

DeSantis Insists Disney Will Have to Pay Its Debts, Says ‘Additional Legislative Action’ in...

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that Disney will have to pay its own debts as the entertainment corporation claimed the state would have to...

Loudoun County Moms Set Out to Protect Their Children, Now They’re Trying to Save...

LOUDOUN COUNTY, Va.—In December 2020, Shawntel Cooper, a mother of two in northern Virginia, noticed something new in her fourth-grade daughter’s morning class routine....