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Energy & Climate

Energy & Climate discussions are not just environmental, but often political and on TheThinkingConservative.com we include news, opinion and more.

There Is No Climate Emergency

ā€˜NO Climate Crisisā€™ Says Coalition of 1,600 Actual Scientists

The United Nationsā€™ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is ā€˜one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformationā€™ ā€œThere is ā€˜NO Climate Crisisā€™ says a coalition...
"Thrown to the Wind" - Trailer for NEW documentary about threat to whales from wind industry.

ā€˜Environmental Pollutantā€™ā€”How a Key Climate Agenda Tool Harms Endangered Species

As the Biden admin expands its offshore wind projects as part a carbon-free energy system, whales and other marine life may become collateral damage.
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)

Climate Alarmists Battle to Censor Film Exposing ā€˜Climate Crisis Scamā€™

ā€œWatch this documentary to understand the lies, the pseudoscience, but also the self-interest of government-funded parasites pushing climate alarmism.ā€ ~ Maxime Bernier.

Drastic and Irreversible Climate Geoengineering Worries Scientists

ā€œOur results show that solar geoengineering will not simply reverse climate change. Instead, it has the potential itself to induce novel changes in climate.ā€

Exclusive ā€” Leaked Confidential Leftist Document Details Plot to Pressure Republicans into Protecting Bidenā€™s...

Leaked 66-page doc. from Association reveals supporters of Bidenā€™s IRA begin to pressure Republicans to protect green energy subsidies Biden secured for them.
ā€˜Pure Junk Scienceā€™: Researchers Challenge Narrative on CO2 and Warming Correlation

ā€˜Pure Junk Scienceā€™: Researchers Challenge Narrative on CO2 and Warming Correlation

UN claims that human-caused CO2 emissions are imperiling the planet are ā€˜totally garbage,ā€™ says scientist. ā€˜CO2 doesnā€™t cause a change in temperature.ā€™

Worldā€™s Largest ā€˜Carbon Captureā€™ Facility Set for Construction in the US

The worldā€™s largest ā€œcarbon captureā€ facility is being built in Wyoming in the U.S.. Known as ā€œProject Bison,ā€ it is set to be completed and running by 2030,
Juice: Power, Politics & the Grid

Net-Zero Is Pulling the Plug on Americaā€™s Electrical ā€˜Life Support System,ā€™ New Documentary Says

ā€˜We are seeing the gridā€™s reliability, resilience and affordability all declining,ā€™ filmmaker Robert Bryce said. Electricity is among the most essential sources of Americaā€™s unparalleled...
UN Says Melting Arctic Ice Is Key Indicator of Climate Changeā€”But Itā€™s Not Melting

UN Says Melting Arctic Ice Is Key Indicator of Climate Changeā€”But Itā€™s Not Melting

Climate policy based on an assumed relationship between CO2 and Arctic ice levels is problematic, say scientists. Itā€™s bad news for polar bears, according to...
Trillions Spent on ā€˜Climate Changeā€™ Based on Faulty Temperature Data

Trillions Spent on ā€˜Climate Changeā€™ Based on Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say

Meteorologist finds 96 percent of NOAA temperature stations located in ā€˜urban heat islands,ā€™ including next to exhaust fans and on ā€˜blistering-hot rooftops.ā€™
Urban Elites Favor Strict Rationing For Climate Change

Vast Majority of Urban ā€˜Elitesā€™ Favor Strict Rationing to Fight Climate Change and Think...

A staggering 77 percent of urban ā€œelitesā€ said they favored strict rationing of energy, gas, and meat to fight the supposed ills of climate change.

Young Audiences Question Climate Alarmism, Prompting Calls to Censor Content

A recent study revealed significant skepticism among young audiences regarding climate alarmism, posing a challenge to advocates of urgent climate action.