Energy & Climate

Energy & Climate discussions are not just environmental, but often political and on we include news, opinion and more.

States to Ban Gas-Powered Cars Despite EVs’ Human, Environmental Costs

Many states are to ban gas-powered cars for Electric Vehicles despite the fact that EV's have both a huge human and environmental cost.

How Mass Electric Vehicle Adoption Will Impact the Power Grid

In 2021 Biden admin announced its plans to transition U.S. to 100% “clean” electricity by 2035 and to have half of all vehicles sold be zero-emissions vehicles by 2030.

‘30 x 30’ Report — Progressives Pushing For Massive Federal Land Grab

Biden Admin’s “30 x 30” plan looks like a scheme by villain from “Blazing Saddles," but Federal land grab is a serious threat to private property owners in U.S..
NO Climate Emergency

“NO Climate Emergency!”

A group of scientists and professionals in climate and related fields sent a letter to the United Nations on Sept. 23 declaring that “there is no climate emergency.”

US Lithium Mine Set to Destroy the Environment, Cultural Heritage Site, and Displace Farmers:...

Thacker Pass lithium deposit will destroy sacred site for Fort McDermitt Tribe, devastate environment, and displace farmers and ranchers.
The Fifth Ramnath Goenka Lecture By Bill Gates

Bill Gates Admits Cold Truth About Climate Change

Bill Gates dismissed possibility of people making significant changes to lifestyles, like giving up meat for sake of countering alleged effects of climate change.
Hurricane Ian

Media Lying About Climate And Hurricanes

Mainstream news media outlets claim that hurricanes are becoming more expensive, more frequent, and more intense because of climate change. These claims are false.

These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles...

By year 2030 C40 Cities will allow 0 kg meat and dairy consumption, 3 new clothing items a year, 0 private vehicles, 1 short-haul return flight every 3 years.

Governor Abbott Gives Update On State Response To Severe Winter Weather, Power Outages

Governor Greg Abbott today provided an update on the state's response to severe winter weather conditions and power outages throughout the state. The Governor...
A wind farm outside of Palm Springs, Calif., on May 26, 2018.

‘Wind Power Fails on Every Count’: Oxford Scientist Explains the Math

Wind power scientifically unreliable, claims Oxford physicist, with calculations revealing gov. to be pursuing “bluster of windfarm politics”, discarding evidence.

Marc Morano: Green New Deal policies and Biden’s infrastructure bill will restructure the American...

Covid 19 and climate are a match made in authoritarianism,” so says climate change skeptic Marc Morano in his new book, “Green Fraud: why...

19 States to Investigate Banks for ESG-Style Commitment to UN Alliance

The war between states and banks over environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and similar practices has reached the doorstep of the U.N.