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John Lewis

Hill Democrats Launch Another Effort to Federalize Elections

Congressional Democrats who failed in a late-night attempt earlier this month to impose federal control over elections are now pushing a new, more radical...
Rules for Defeating Radicals by Christopher G. Adamo

Rules for Defeating Radicals: Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture

Rules for Defeating Radicals gives an account of left's motivations, philosophy, and operating strategy and how to defend America against leftist counterculture.

Rand Paul Demands Investigation Into Allegations US Intelligence Spied on Tucker Carlson

The National Security Agency’s head should investigate whether officials spied on Tucker Carlson, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said. “I write to demand that you investigate the National Security...
Portland riots – The Oregonian

The Fourth Turning Crisis Has Arrived

Whether America reaffirms itself as a land of Constitutional freedom or becomes a plot of ground in the socialist world order remains to be seen.

Faith And Liberty Discovery Center

Now Open In The Heart Of Philadelphia Discover America’s past and its relevance to the present in an interactive and immersive experience on Philadelphia’s Independence...
12-year-old Maddie enrolled in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial

12-year-old Maddie enrolled in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial is now in wheelchair

12-year-old Maddie was enrolled in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial. She's now in a wheelchair, has an NG tube, and is suffering from...

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the...

“Carl Trueman explains modernity to the church, with depth, clarity, and force. The significance of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self . . ....

CCP Researcher: China Won the Biowarfare, The Western Model Has Failed

Chen Ping Senior Researcher at China Institute, Fudan University, professor at Peking University, recently said the Chinese Communist Party won the trade war, science...

Cuba Accused of Using Chinese Tech Systems to Block Internet Access Amid Protests

Cuba is accused of having adopted China-made technology systems to control and block internet access, amid reports that messaging apps and Cubans’ internet service are being...
Joe Biden’s American Carnage

Steve Cortes: Welcome To Joe Biden’s American Carnage.

Biden’s failures exceed dire prognostications of his fiercest critics prior to him assuming presidency under dubious electoral circumstances.

The future of national security is increasingly local

Under the Constitution, the federal government has the responsibility to provide for the national security of the United States. Congress has the power to...

Taliban Gives Captured American Weapons To Iran – Did The Biden Administration Deliberately Abandon...

One of the many incomprehensible aspects of Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was the abandonment of vast quantities of American weapons to the Taliban. These...