
Posts for The Thinking Conservative Newsletter


The Taliban’s 20-Year, Victorious Alliance With China, Against the US and the Uyghurs

We care about the oppression of Muslims, be it in Palestine, in Myanmar, or in China, and we care about the oppression of non-Muslims...

Looming Solar Panel Waste Tsunami Reveals Dark Side of Renewables: Expert

Environmental policy expert Michael Shellenberger told NTD’s “The Nation Speaks” that the economics of solar panel production, deployment, and recycling shows that the technology has a “toxic” and...

Hardline Al Qaida Allies – The Haqqanis – Take the Reins in Kabul

Press reports have indicated over the last few days that Anti-Taliban fighters have established a base of operations in the Panjshir Valley and have...

Joint Chiefs Demand Military Personnel Violate Enlistment Oath

I (Enlistee Name) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign...

Afghans in America: A Potentially Severe Culture Clash

Biden, who is bringing hundreds of thousands of Afghan migrants into U.S., should remember our capacity to assimilate newcomers is limited.

Rand Paul Demands Investigation Into Allegations US Intelligence Spied on Tucker Carlson

The National Security Agency’s head should investigate whether officials spied on Tucker Carlson, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said. “I write to demand that you investigate the National Security...

China’s Xenophobic Plan to Shut Out the World

Moreover, crackdowns in Xi Jinping's China never really end. They are more than just "wiggles," as superstar hedge-fund manager Ray Dalio called them in...
John Lewis

Hill Democrats Launch Another Effort to Federalize Elections

Congressional Democrats who failed in a late-night attempt earlier this month to impose federal control over elections are now pushing a new, more radical...

Cuba Accused of Using Chinese Tech Systems to Block Internet Access Amid Protests

Cuba is accused of having adopted China-made technology systems to control and block internet access, amid reports that messaging apps and Cubans’ internet service are being...

Democrats’ For the People Act ‘Worst’ Bill for Free Speech in Decades: Free Speech...

House Democrats’ massive voter registration and campaign procedure reform bill—H.R. 1—is the “worst” bill in decades in terms of free speech protections, according to David Keating, president...

The future of national security is increasingly local

Under the Constitution, the federal government has the responsibility to provide for the national security of the United States. Congress has the power to...

‘You Can’t Kill the Idea of Freedom’—Mark Simon, Former Apple Daily Exec, on Its...

Apple Daily, Hong Kong’s largest independent paper, was recently forced to shut down. What will this mean for the future of Hong Kong? And why...