Obama was Our First Usurper President, Biden is Second
By Mark Schwendau
Someone recently sent me a social media meme that read, “Just a reminder, all of this sh*t started when we allowed a usurper from Kenya into our Oval Office with a bogus birth certificate.” Usurper is an unusual word most people probably never heard of before. A common definition holds:
Usurper- (n) a person who takes a position of power or importance illegally or by force.
Barack H. Obama’s birth certificate became a controversial story back in 2004 when Andy Martin (a.k.a. Anthony Robert Martin-Trigona) ran for Senate in Illinois in the 2004 election Obama won. Martin claimed Obama was secretly a Muslim, and that his father was actually Frank Marshall Davis, an American journalist and activist. Martin even sued the State of Hawaii on October 17 prior to the 2008 election to get a copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate. They refused and on November 19, the Hawaii Supreme Court dismissed Martin’s lawsuit. Obama released his short form birth certificate in 2008 and the long-form in 2011.
What makes this story even odder are these facts I observed:
When the Obama administration released a copy of his supposed Hawaii birth certificate on the White House website in 2011, people familiar with internet computing and Adobe brand PDF files recognized it as a forgery instantly. The file consisted of layers which, when turned on and off, revealed an apparent amateur cut and paste job of an original scanned file.
Another issue was the fact that Obama had relatives back in Kenya that were outing him as having been born in Kenya. One was his grandmother and another was a half-brother.
A meme began to circulate the internet of a picture of a road sign in Kenya that read, “Kenya, Birthplace of Barack Obama.” Some immediately dismissed it as a Photoshop fake but I had a friend doing mission work over there who saw the actual sign.
Then, on a trip to Kenya in mid-July of 2018, Barack Obama introduced himself as, “The first sitting American president to come from Kenya.”
Finally, there was a group from Iowa who spent something in the realm of $25,000 of their own money to go to Kenya to secure a copy of an Obama birth certificate from the hospital where he was said to have been born.

I remember thinking after this revelation, “Why doesn’t the Secret Service and/or FBI just demand he remove his right shoe and sock and inspect his footprint?” Easy cheesy.
What makes all of this so disgusting is those who questioned Obama’s country of origin were immediately labeled “conspiracy theorists” or “birthers”.
I had problems with Obama and not because his race, either.
He made an unexplainable meteoric rise to political fame in my home State of Illinois to become senator and yet nobody could explain to me where he came from or his climb up the political career ladder. But where it got really odd is when I would ask about him people would simply say, “Oh, he came here from Hawaii,” as if that was all they knew or needed to know. The fact nobody in Illinois seemed to know much about the man or his family should have been a serious red flag for the nation.
What bothered me most about Obama was he was only in his first term as Illinois Senator when he opted to run for president (2005–2008). Most would agree that alone did not qualify him for running for our highest office.
And for those who want to accuse me of being racist, I attended a rally he held in October of 2007 at Rock Valley College in Rockford because of my natural curiosity about things in life. I left with more questions than answers.
Zach DeGregorio of the Wolves and Finance web channel recently conducted a very interesting interview with Sharon Rondeau, Editor of ThePostEmail.com, was recently posted well worth viewing as Rondeau is truly an expert on this topic. Rondeau began her research in August of 2009.
“Interview on Obama’s Birth Certificate”
Rondeau says she is 100% sure that the birth certificate produced by the Obama White House was a forgery and she bases it on a news conference of 2016 whereby a 5 year investigation concluded it was after forensic computer experts of both Hawaii and Italy came to the same conclusion.
The investigation began by the “Cold Case Posse” Mike Zullo and (then) Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio in 2011 concluded the Obama birth certificate was a computer-generated PDF forgery in 2016.
“Obama’s Birth Certificate Investigation – Cold Case Posse”
Editor Sharon Rondeau does a good job breaking down her parallel concerns relative to the Obama LFBC forgery of 2011 and the election fraud of Biden in 2020. One can see the sincerity and worry in her face as she ponders aloud why our news journalists and our court justices do nothing in either of these matters.
This is the Barack Obama long form birth certificate as posted by Barack Obama today.
Certificate of Live Birth PDF
birth-certificate-long-formHowever, this is NOT the file that was originally released on the White House website back on April 27 of 2011! This shows guilt.
This is an analysis of the originally released long form birth certificate (LFBC) and why it was determined a forgery by experts even before the conclusion of the Cold Case Posse investigation in 2016:
“REPORT Barack Obama LFBC Forged – by Mara Zebest – 18 Jul 2012”
For those who think my observations make me some kind of crazy conspiracy theorist birther, there are people who have taken this investigation of Obama much further than I have here:
“Lingering doubts about Obamas birth certificate”
Years ago I watched some of my college students play video games where they taught me about “cheat codes” and “god powers”. Essentially, it is a way to win the game with an unfair advantage against your opponent either human or game simulation.
I was teaching internet computing on Wednesday April 27 of 2011 when Barack Obama decided to release his birth certificate on the White House website. I knew in less than 3 minutes after downloading the file it was a forgery after a brief inspection. I shared it with my teaching colleague who agreed the file was a forgery.
On the night of Tuesday November 3rd of 2020, when the vote counting was said to be stopping due to plumbing problems and poll watchers were being sent home, I said to my wife, “Never in the history of elections in this country has this ever happened before. This is when and where the Democrats will try to steal this election from Trump.”
The Democrats are usurping power in this country using their own forms of cheat codes and god powers. This will lead to trouble if the DOJ, FBI, and MSM continue to stand down rather than do their jobs.
Many people don’t know it but the Secret Service is in charge of money forgery. Perhaps they should also be in charge of ballot and birth certificate forgeries as well.
Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau