Old Joe Biden will ensure Trump wins the election

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U.S. President Joe Biden could not have had a better way to demonstrate to the American people that he is unworthy of remaining president and serving as leader of the free world for another four-year term.

Just over the last week alone, Biden seemed lost at the G7 summit and then got lost again on stage at his own fundraiser. Former President Barack Obama had to take him by the arm and lead him off stage.

These two moments have now thoroughly ingrained themselves in the minds of hundreds of millions of people around the world and have convinced nearly everyone of the obvious: Biden is an old man and should not be leading America anymore.

However, and oddly enough, the Biden administration as well as many Democrats are either in denial or simply lying to themselves and everyone else when they say that Biden is perfectly fit for the job.

He is lucid and clear in private, they say. Is he though? The American public can only judge by what they see in public and what they see is not encouraging or convincing.

In a news conference on Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that the clips purporting to show Biden’s decline had been deceptively edited or misrepresented.

“It tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republicans are here,” Jean-Pierre told reporters, labeling the clips “cheapfake” videos.

If Biden remains the Democratic nominee for the Nov. 5 elections, it is almost guaranteed that Trump will win.

What is likely to finally sway voters one way or the other is the upcoming presidential debate between the two candidates.

This occasion will define, in the minds of many, which candidate is the choicest person to lead the country for the next four years. A lost Biden on stage with a lucid Trump is bound to make Biden look worse than he already does. Hopefully, Trump just allows Biden to be Biden because by doing so, it is likely that Biden will sabotage himself one way or another. Trump won’t need to do or say much.

At the same time, Trump should come prepared with a laundry list of problems the Biden administration has rained down upon America such as the cost of living and the open border. If Trump focuses on the economy, people’s paychecks and bills, and safety regarding violent migrants crossing into America, he will likely win over many minds. Biden simply won’t be able to rebut these facts with anything but lies and deceptions.

TV host Pierce Morgan and billionaire Bill Ackman both seem to agree with the assessment that Biden is unfit and Trump will win. Their post on X slamming the Democrats was met with ridicule by none other than billionaire Marc
Cuban who seems to hate Trump so much that he is blind to Democratic blunders and Biden’s faults. Ironically, it was Cuban who came under attack from many X users, ridiculing him in return.

Biden used to be seen as a nice fellow by people who didn’t know him well. But for those people who do know Biden well, they are familiar with his rants, insults, shouting bouts, and rude remarks. His State of the Union address, as well as numerous other public appearances and speeches, are peppered with angry messages and a combative tone. Stupidly, the Democratic party and the Biden administration have spent the last few years obsessed with Trump and attacking him at every turn.

Rather than focusing on the past and taking cheap shots at Trump, like the Democrats are accusing Republicans of doing to Biden, the White House could have and should have focused on the future and making America a better place. If they wanted to prove Trump was bad, they could have focused on why Biden is good.

Instead, the Biden administration has done nothing but set out on a path to destroy America. The polls show that voters recognize this, and it is for this reason that Trump has a solid chance at becoming the 47th president of the United States of America.

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