Op Ed: One More Look at the Nashville School Shooting

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CNN, The New York Times, and NBC News sent out nationwide apologies for calling the woman, who mercilessly killed three children under ten, and three 60+-year-old Christian school employees, “she/her,” rather than her preferred pronouns. Forgetting all about the multiple murders that she committed, those media outlets ignored the pain and suffering caused by this transgender monster, believing that an incorrect pronoun is a more heinous crime than slaughtering six innocent human beings. Especially if they are white and Christian.

While half of the journalists in the mainstream media wrung their hands in worry over the slight against the LGBT community, the other half are crusading about the need for more gun control. Even Ole Joe Biden took time from his afternoon nap to saunter down to face some adoring media journalists, and after telling them that he only came down because he was promised an ice cream cone then said how it was those nasty “assault” rifles fault that those children and adults died.

Everyone is trying to forward their political point of view over the corpses of those massacred at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. Lost in all the words trying to hide the actual facts in this mass murder, is the fact that the woman who is the suspect suffers from mental illness. The most important point lost in this mass confusion over gun control and transphobia is that this could be a hate crime and domestic terrorism motivated by the killer’s hatred of Christians.

Most media have reported that at the killer’s house police found maps of two schools, one rejected because it had too much security to circumvent, and a manifesto. But very few are talking about that manifesto. One of Twitter Spaces largest known personalities is influencer Mario Nawfal, and he stated that the manifesto was about the murderer’s hatred of Christians.

Mario Nawfal stated flatly on Twitter that “The shooting was a hate crime against the Christian community.” This writer came across Mario Nawfal’s tweet embedded in an article in the Police Tribune,  and does not know how he learned the information contained within the manifesto. In fact, all information about the manifesto is being treated like a state secret. No one, outside law enforcement, knows what it says. And the MSM isn’t interested in finding out what it says.

Point-by-point analysis:

Let’s start with the hate crime aspect. A consensus of reports in most media agrees that at some point the shooter (this writer does not include her name to avoid any posthumous fame) attended Covenant School. It is a Christian school that teaches the absolutes contained within the Bible. Someone confused about their sex might find that abhorrent to their self-preception.

As that person becomes confused about their own body they might reasonably turn their self-loathing into hatred of those who oppose them. Especially if their beliefs are written in a book that must be obeyed in order to ascend to heaven. This shooter has identified herself as a male on at least one social media outlet, LinkedIn. Her fantasy of being a man finally comes to the forefront announcing it on social media.

It could be reasonably thought that as her mental illness progressed that her hatred of Christians intensified proportionately. It is a well-established fact that transgenders suffer from depression. That depression can lead to hating someone or something that they see as causing them pain. In this case, it manifests itself into rage against Christians; leaving six dead at a Christian school.

This is at this point all speculation; however, at some point, more real knowledge of the killer’s motive will come to be known. At that point only can a reasonable understanding of events be understood. The question here is why have police and federal law enforcement been mum on motive. If it were a conservative targeting the altar of black lives matter, it would be known immediately. Is the MSM trying to cover up that a transgender killed six Christians because it does not agree with their carefully crafted narrative?

The gun control aspect:

Today, someone like this shooter is called transgender. The word gender is used in place of sex because one cannot change their biological birth sex, but using the word gender gives them the flexibility to pretend that it does. A fantasy created by some wordsmith who knows how to make a lie sound like the truth.

Anyway, as this young lady progressed in her fantasies, thinking of herself as a man in a woman’s body, she finally decided that the grass looked greener if she were a he, and said that she was now a man, announcing it on social media. In her now failing mind it was all true. She had descended deeply into mental illness.

Living in a fantasy is either an actor or actress in a movie or someone who cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not real. When you reach the stage of not knowing what is real or imagined, it is considered a symptom of underlying mental illness. The American College of Psychiatrist isentifies the illness of those who reject their sex as Gender Dysphoria.

The Mayo Clinic defines Gender Dysphoria as:

“Gender dysphoria is different from simply not conforming to stereotypical gender role behavior. It involves feelings of distress due to a strong, pervasive desire to be another gender.”

This definition is from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). As you can plainly see, transgender people, are not normal and have a mental disorder. Which leads us to gun control.

While Democrats want more gun control to stop school shootings, Republicans demand tighter control on identifying mentally ill people who are a danger to themselves and others from access to guns. They also favor hardening schools’ defenses with trained armed staff and ending most gun-free zones. Additionally, Republicans want causation openly reviewed addressing several factors that mass shooters have in common such as; family dysfunction, psychiatric medications, illicit drug use, social media factors, and excessive video games. Federal law prohibits anyone who has been adjudicated as mentally defective or has been involuntarily committed to a mental institution from purchasing or owning firearms. Due to today’s politics, transgenders, all of whom suffer from some form of Gender Dysphoria, are not covered by these laws. Maybe they should be.

There is no evidence indicating that removing modern sporting arms from the public will lower the homicide rate in this nation, as less than 1% of all homicides are committed using these weapons. School-age children are less at risk from these weapons. The majority of death in school-age children today is caused by illegal drug overdoses; especially Fentanyl. Much of it coming across our open southern border that Biden refuses to secure. Making Biden responsible for more school -age children’s death than all the school shooters combined.

In fact, FBI crime statistics show that 662 homicides in 2020 were committed with personal weapons, described as “hands, fists, feet, etc.,” while that same report shows that 455 homicides were committed by rifles. See here to learn about the facts that debunk the left’s gun control agenda.

In 2020 there were 12 people of all ages killed in ten separate school shootings. OK, 2020 saw many schools shut down due to Covid restrictions, yet it is the last year where full statistics are available due to the FBI changing their reporting criteria. As a comparison, in 2019, prior to Covid changing the world, there were 40 people of all ages killed in 24 school shootings.

There were an estimated 93,331 drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2020. In January 2021, drug overdose deaths exceeded homicides by 306.7%. Motor vehicle accidents and suicides combined killed 15% fewer than those who died by drug overdoses. FYI, from March 2021 to March 2022 the numbers went up to more than 108,000 who died in drug overdoses.

As one can plainly see, the number of dead school children killed by an AR-15 or any other rifle is minuscule compared to the number dying from illegal drugs. Yet Democrats shout about the need for more gun control to protect children while ignoring the dangers imposed by illegal drugs, manufactured in China and exported across our open, out-of-control southern border.

You see, the AR-15 welded by the mentally ill transgender did not kill anyone. It is an inanimate object incapable of doing anything unless directed by a human. And this transgender woman, carrying out her inner rage, killed three innocent children simply because they attended a Christian school, and three unsuspecting 60-year-olds because they taught in a Christian school.

The real tragedy here, aside from the grief and sadness that those six families must now go through for the rest of their lives, is that one more outrage against those of us who call ourselves American Christians, must be endured, in silence, once again, while Communist loving Americans continue to project a false and imaginary image of what is right and wrong.

Joseph Ragonese is a veteran of the United States Air Force, a retired police officer, has a degree in Criminal Justice, and a businessman, journalist, editor, publisher, and fiction author. His last book, “The Sword of Mohammad,” can be purchased at Amazon.com in paperback or kindle edition.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

By Jefferson Thomas

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