
Jeff Crouere hosts his award-winning program, “Ringside Politics,” on Real America’s Voice and WGSO 990-AM and He is a political columnist, the author of ‘America’s Last Chance’ and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on

Americans Are Tired Of Changing Their Clocks

Either standard or daylight-saving time should be made permanent because interrupting our sleep schedules is both unnecessary and harmful to our health.
Senator Mitch McConnell

GOP Leaders, Listen to Your Base

With the retirement of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, the GOP can now select a leader aligned with the views of President Trump and the party's base.
Border Crisis

America Reaching Open Border Boiling Point

Anger among Americans increases as Biden’s reckless policies lead to an open southern border resulting in more crime, drug overdose deaths and economic problems.
America's Last Change By Jeff Crouere

America’s Last Chance

America's Last Chance provides the formula for victory in 2016 and the type of change our country needs to survive if we are to "Make America Great Again."