The Critical Series – Points of Analysis 2: Governing Thought & Political Acts
Every system of potential “government” is fraught with an inherent menace: endeavor to govern thought without invoking (absolute) “governance of all thought”.
The Critical Series – Points of Analysis 1: Education & Capitalism
University masters, originators of deceptive educational reform, have sought to replace ‘natural ethics’ with humanism and ‘traditional religion’ with secularism.
For The Preservation Of Freedom And Natural Truth
Its not a ‘normal’ society if it claims to teach fact-based science, engineering, and math, but does not believe in logic, truth, honor, or biological reproduction.
Elements of the Fascist Deep State
The Deep State is using knowledge and cultural demeanor, with the blessing of the public and media, to make others do their selfish economic bidding.
Holding Government Righteous
There is no such thing as treason against the government; only against the people, meaning the neglect by duly-elected officials and their dominions to abide by the Constitution