U.S. vs. Trump: The Fed’s Wild West Show of Injustice
The “Wild West" is a place without laws or controls. This definition perfectly describes the federal government's prosecution in U.S. vs. Trump.
A Rouge DOJ the Result of 44 Years of Unsupervised Activity
Congress has not re-authorized the DOJ in 44 years. Without congressional oversight, DOJ has become a rogue agency needing real supervision.
Use Immunity: Congress Can Find Truth by Forgoing Punishment
Granting Use Immunity in Biden investigations, as in Watergate, allows House Oversight and Judiciary Committees to break the DOJ’s stone wall of deceit.
Biden Presents a Hobson’s Choice for Ds & Rs (Part I)
The polls indicate Democrats do not want Biden to run again, but the party is not actively seeking a primary challenger who could win the 2024 general election.
Biden’s “Rule of Law” Administered by a Team of Criminals
The rule of law is not a rule or a law. It is a myth. Sovereign immunity bans suits against government and criminal activity is what the executive enforces.
Biden Beats Buchanan for Title “Worst U.S. President”
ReformTheKakistocracy.com raised question – Will Joe Biden be the 21st-century James Buchanan? Biden has trounced Buchanan as “Worst U.S. President in history.”
Restoring Trust in Government by Using IQA: Good Quality Information Can Restore Trust in...
A U.S. federal law, the Information Quality Act (IQA), section 515, mandates government disseminated information be accurate, useful, and having integrity.
Congress: An Institution in Need of Political Rehab
Congress needs political rehab to help it stop delegating its Constitutional powers to spend, declare war, and declare emergencies to the Executive branch.
Hell Is Listening to John Kerry blather on Climate Change
The Manchurian Candidate 2023 sees the Biden administration taken over by ETs who brainwash its leaders to ban fossil fuels and rely on wind and solar power.
The Federal Spending Diet Book
The United States federal government needs to go on a spending diet and the Federal Spending Diet Book can help reduce spending by a trillion dollars.
Courts Reform the Administrative State Without Congress
The courts are again stepping into the legislative role of congress to place limits on agency lawmaking, as Congress continues down the path of irrelevancy.
New Speaker, New Rules: The House Can Make Congress Work
New House rules allow all members of Congress to participate on an equal basis in the legislative process. This is good for the Republic and sound decisions.