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Right Wire Report

Right Wire Report was a group of concerned citizens who took action to promote traditional values and worked for a better America.

What do you do?

The WSJ Makes a Bizarre Demand: Stop Telling Everyone What You Do for a...

Wall Street Journal “life and work” advice makes case that asking someone what they do for a living may offend your acquaintance, and we should stop doing it.
White on White (1918) Kazimir Malevich, Suprematist Composition

A Reclamation of Art

The question of what constitutes art, is I believe, the first part of our puzzle. Art has become so subjective. Can anything really be art? The answer is, no.
The Pivot

Chart of the Day: The Fed Pivot is Here – To Be Commanded By...

Despite the Biden admin touting the fantastic jobs situation, more astute economic followers knew this was to be a short-lived phenomenon – even cooking the books.
Butt Augmentations Explode – Cardi B’s Butt Implodes

Chart of the Day: Butt Augmentations Explode – Cardi B’s Butt Implodes

Doctors are warning the popular trend of Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs) can be deadly – especially when women travel overseas in search of a cheaper procedure.
Orwell and Huxley on Truth

Canaries In History’s Coal Mine: If Huxley, Orwell, And The Queen Attended A Dinner...

One World Governance is old run at a communist takeover. Queen Elizabeth II, Huxley, and Orwell knew this truth and were canaries in the coal mine of history.
Greater Idaho

Chart of the Day: Greater Idaho – Becoming Closer to Reality

Voters in 2 more of Oregon’s eastern, conservative counties voted to join Idaho, voting yes on a “Greater Idaho” measure to move Oregon’s eastern border.

Chart of the Day: The Collapse of the New World Order and the Coming...

The Bretton Woods system was a monetary system that established a New World Order at the end of World War II in 1944 during...
Journalism is not a crime

Chart of the Day: The State of Journalism in 2023

Journalists sense turmoil in their industry. 77% would choose their career again, though 57% are highly concerned about future restrictions on press freedom.

Chart of the Day: Woke Military Failing Miserably in Recruitment

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7e1XOMPHkI The Army missed its recruiting goal by about 15,000 new soldiers in 2022, coming up 25% short of its goal at a time when each of...
Social Security Money

Chart of the Day: Social Security COLA Ready For Liftoff – Good News?

Millions of US seniors and others who receive Social Security benefits are on track for a big cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), in 2023.

Chart of the Day: Sabotaging Power Plants All Over America – What Is Happening?

Recent attack on NC substations cut power to thousands of people raises concerns about security standards for country’s electric grid and numerous power stations.
Where Murders Are Committed in America

Chart of the Day: Where Murders Are Committed in America

To further exemplify the state of crime in America, we look at reality of where crime actually takes place – on a county-by-county basis within each state.