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US Presidential Election Popular Vote: Democrat vs Republican (in millions)

The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen

The Biden “victory” of 2020 violated the mathematical theory called “Benford’s Law. He supposedly won carrying only 16% of the counties of the United States.
I'm sorry, so sorry, that I was such a fool . . .

Schadenfreude: Juicy Scenes of Liberal Cope as TDS Makes Historic Comeback

The 2016 election night meltdowns are the stuff of legend. The tears flowed like wine as liberal realized their glass ceiling remained elusive.
Kamala Harris Ad PARODY

Election hangover

Despite democrat election officials, voting machines, questionable vote counting, foreign interference, ballot box fires, ballot stuffing, cyber tampering, and voting by illegals, Trump won the popular vote and the Electoral College.

America Rejects Pettiness

On Nov. 5th Donald Trump won a second, non-consecutive term as the 47th President. His victory secured 295 electoral votes and a majority of the popular vote.

A Win Beyond Party Politics

What we saw on election night was a rebuke by the American people of the established political order and a push back against foolishness.
President Donald Trump's 2024 Victory Speech

Here’s what to expect in Trump’s second term

What to expect in Trump’s second term. His domestic policy will prioritize themes of deregulation, strict immigration controls, and an "America First" economic agenda.
'I Think Fluoride Is a Poison,' Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in New York Sun Interview

Propaganda Blitzkrieg Erupts After RFK Pledges to Remove Fluoride From Water Supply

RFK Jr. recently pledged that President Donald Trump has promised him to drain known neurotoxin fluoride from America's water supply.

The Voices of Reason Were Heard

Voters delivered decisive victories to the Republican Party relative to the Presidency, Senate, and House. This was a desire for a course correction of the country.
Mike Benz: Democrats 2025 Color Revolution Playbook

Russian Bomb Threats and ‘Texas Klan’ Voter Intimidation: The Trump Victory Delegitimization Begins in...

Trump victory delegitimization begins as Deep State propaganda machine kicks into high gear with rioting, Russian interference lies, voter intimidation and worse.
Everyone Hates Trump Accept The American People

The Time I Used Michael Moore’s Words Against Him

Filmmaker Michael Moore took to the mainstream media Sunday to put his two cents in on this year’s presidential election. “Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore confidently...
As People's Property Burned . . . Tim and Gwen Walz Watched . . .

Anticipating Post-Election Riots, Blue Cities Batten Down the Hatches

Portland, Washington D.C., et al. are preparing for a mob of leftist hooligans ready to be unleashed should Trump pull off what looks like a very possible win.
‘Massive concern’: Chinese entities buy up farmland surrounding 19 US military bases

China Continues Buying Up Land Near US Military Installations

Chinese companies and Chinese nationals have been buying farmland across the U.S., disproportionately located in the vicinity of major military installations.