Points To Ponder

Points: Points To Ponder

Mr. Magoo

Clueless or ?

Jon Stewart agreed that if Obama was directly involved in the IRS targeting or the AP phone records seizure, then he could be fairly...
Smart Money Magazine

Retirees and Student Debt

"More retirees are falling behind on student debt, and Uncle Sam is coming after their benefits." ~ The Wall Street Journal's "Smart Money"

Did the Colonial Flag Hang Over Former President Obama’s Inauguration?

This video verifies the facts regarding the Colonial flag, also known as the Betsy Ross flag. Nike to hold production of shoes that features Betsy...
Newspaper Gun Map

On Newspaper Gun Map

"Having a list of who has a gun is like gold - why rob that house when you can hit the one next door,...
Thomas Jefferson

Freedom of the Press

No experiment can be more interesting than that we are now trying, and which we trust will end in establishing the fact, that man...
Oxford Climate Strike

“We Are Not Going Anywhere” – St John’s Locked Down Over Climate Strike

According to an article in the student newspaper, The Oxford Student, Oxford students occupied St. John’s College since Wednesday, January 29, 2020, demanding that...

Ingraham: The left’s rage and chaos campaign turns into an anti-America movement

The Left's anti-Trump movement has became an anti-America movement. The left's rage and chaos campaign and anti-Trump movement has turned into an anti-America movement.

Secret Service White House Guard with P90 Submachine Gun Protects Obama and His Family

This Secret Service White House guard with P90 submachine gun protects Obama and his family. His fully automatic weapon uses 50 round magazines. The black...
Charles W. Eliot

Efficient Man By Charles W. Eliot

The efficient man is the man who thinks for himself, and is capable of thinking hard and long. ~ Charles W. Eliot
Abraham Lincoln

Right Makes Might

Abraham Lincoln, in addressing the push to expand slavery across the Union, stated in 1860, that the only thing that would convince pro-slavery advocates...
Giant Obama Mural on Polling Wall while voters vote.

One Man’s Opinion on the 2012 Election

Add together the "Zero Votes For Romney and one hundred percent Votes For Obama" in precincts in Ohio and Pennsylvania, (this IS most curious,...

Behind the Push for Open Borders

This is an orchestrated, communist assault on America to destroy America's borders, to create confusion in America, to overwhelm the system politically.—Trevor Loudon, communism...