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Points: Speaking Out

Arizona Audit 2021

The Coming Leftist Arizona Audit Backlash

As the Arizona audit winds into its final days, Patriots across America had better be thoroughly prepared for the ferocity of leftist backlash, once...

Commemorating Sept. 11, 2001

Twenty-two years ago, nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists wielding box cutters hijacked four commercial jet aircraft and deployed them as guided missiles to slam into three major American landmarks.
Bidenomics vs Maganomics

Why I’m Backing President Trump

David Sacks is endorsing Trump to be our 47th President for four main issues he thinks are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability.
Illegal immigrants under bridge

Joe Biden’s Weakness Is Turning Arizona’s Border Into A Wasteland

As a lifelong Arizonan, I can see with my own eyes that our border is in crisis. It’s a fire for which then-candidate Joe Biden...

Weekend Brought Trump Laughs, Biden Gaffes  

Trump was in MN and Biden was in GA and MI. During Trump's appearance people were laughing with Trump, but during Biden appearances they were laughing at Biden.
Consumer Research Protecs Consumers From Woke Companies

Consumers First Initiative: Protecting Consumers from Woke Companies

The mission at Consumers’ Research is to increase the knowledge and understanding of issues, policies, products, and services of concern to consumers and to...
Dr. Lisa Koche

Dr. Lisa Koche speaks Out on COVID-19

My colleagues stood on Capitol Hill to speak up, to lead, to empower, to inform the public because doctors are not being heard and humanity needs us now.

Stop the Wokefare Crucifixion of Mike Lindell Now!

Crucifixion of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell by “wokefare” corporatists represents a new and dangerous form of uncivil warfare that desecrates the First Amendment. 

Bari Weiss, “It’s a Pandemic of Bureaucracy!”

American journalist, writer, and editor, Bari Weiss, tells the truth about living during the COVID-19 pandemic and how "it's a pandemic of bureaucracy" on...
Protesters Call Out AOC For Supporting Russia-Ukraine War

Protesters Shout Down Rep. Ocasio-Cortez During Town Hall Over Ukraine Aid

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was shouted down by a pair of protesters during town hall on Oct. 12 for her endorsement of military aid to Ukraine.

Tis The Season To Deal With RINOs!

Conservative America had better wake up, and quickly! Those who are (rightly) sick and tired of being betrayed by RINOs, at critical junctures where...
America Betrayed

America Is Being Betrayed On Two Fronts

Over the past weekend, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie proclaimed the Trump legal team to be "a national embarrassment." So in the midst...