Barbarian Buckeyes

The buckeye state has become the barbarian state as the nation’s most pro-abortion venue in the union.

Historical TRUTH BOMBS for Pro-Palestinian Protesters

The mainstream media, some of our colleges of the world, and “the squad” of Congress do not tell the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
George Soros funded CREW which is attempting to keep Trump off 2024 ballot in Colorado.

How Infiltrators Can Change Institutions

Infiltrators are those who assume a position for the purpose of deceiving an opposing group or an intruder with hostile intent. America is seeing both.
Thank you for your service!

Make America A Nation Worth Dying For, Again!

Maimed for life in Iraq, he looked him in the eye, “The best way you can thank any of us for our service is to make America a nation worth dying for, again.”

Squeezing the World’s Vulnerable Peoples

78 years after the Holocaust, anti-Israel protestors throughout the Middle East, cities of the Western world, and iconic American universities chant death threats.

RINO Wyoming Governor Gordon Shows His True Colors

In typical fashion for a RINO, Wyoming's "Republican" governor Mark Gordon did a complete about face (as he is prone to do) last week...

The Dark Parallels of China’s Cultural Revolution and Today’s America: Survivor Xi Van Fleet

Jan Jekielek sits down with Xi Van Fleet, who grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution and is the author of “Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning.”
Speaker Mike Johnson at Republican Jewish Coalition’s conference in Las Vegas on Oct. 28, 2023.

‘We are going to stand like a rock with our friend and our ally...

Mike Johnson’s legislative record suggests a conventional conservative pro-Israel outlook, but he’s largely untested as a leader on Middle East policy issues Rep. Mike Johnson...
The Statue of Liberty Drowning

Can a Demoralized and Lazy People Fight for Liberty?

American culture and enterprise are broken. A wreck. The people who broke everything hope to outlast those who still have the energy to resist.
Founding Fathers

Yes, the Founding Fathers Had a Funny Bone

When looking at the portraits of the granite-faced Founding Fathers, we often wonder if they laughed, smiled or had a sense of humor?

Twenty and Counting

There was too much blood and treasure spent not to remember that fateful morning when the 24th Marine Amphibious Unit’s headquarters at the Beirut International Airport was attacked.
The Westminster Declaration

The Westminster Declaration

We write as journalists, artists, authors, activists, technologists, and academics to warn of increasing international censorship that threatens to erode centuries-old democratic norms.