A Synodal Swampy Mess

Vatican’s Synod on Synodality document says nothing about Church’s mission: salvation, little about sin, repentance, redemption, judgment, Heaven, Hell or Christ.

The War for Jewish Survival

With the end of a week that started with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring war on the Hamas terror organization that rules Gaza...

Golden Pyramids

Bob Menendez lined his jacket pockets with cash, had gold bars in his closet, and a Mercedes in the garage, but he's not a mafioso, but a member of Congress.
We are not in a battle for America, we are in a battle for the SOUL of America.

Delusion and Disillusioned

America is not what we are fighting for. Christianity, the Kingdom of God, can exist without America. However, America cannot exist without the Kingdom of God,

Stop the Wokefare Crucifixion of Mike Lindell Now!

Crucifixion of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell by “wokefare” corporatists represents a new and dangerous form of uncivil warfare that desecrates the First Amendment. 


Schumer’s abolition of a dress code is another stain for NY senator to go along with threatening the Supreme Court and equating January 6th with Pearl Harbor.

Staying Alive in Biden’s America

It’s fair to say not a single act of Joe Biden’s presidency can be labeled as constitutional, because he wasn’t constitutionally elected in the first place.

Will Leftist Democrats and RINOs Outlaw Trump Momentum

From Cheyenne Wyoming to Austin Texas, to Ottawa and other major national capitols throughout the world, common citizens are refusing to comply with "elites".

Liz Wheeler on the Marxist Subversion of American Education

Children are harmed by radical Marxist theory in America’s public education, the sooner this is realized, the sooner we will have a chance to reclaim a future.

Chris Pratt: Remembering 9/11 and What Makes America Great

I remember it so vividly. I stood there alone watching the television. I watched in horror as the second plane hit the tower. I watched the smoke, the devastation.
Marriage in America

The War on Marriage Must End

Two depressing articles both speak to the existence of a war on marriage in our culture that will destroy the fabric of our country if not dealt with.

Commemorating Sept. 11, 2001

Twenty-two years ago, nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists wielding box cutters hijacked four commercial jet aircraft and deployed them as guided missiles to slam into three major American landmarks.