Editorial Cartoons By Broc Smith

How Long Can The Willing Blindness Continue?

A brief glimpse of the America of Aug 2022 reveals a dangerously deteriorated caricature of what it was when the left seized power in 2020.
George Magazine February 1997

When News of the Past Comes Back to Bite You in the…

As a warning to the mainstream legacy news media, both broadcast and print, many people are now looking for the truth in news in alternative news sources.

Obama or Biden should have attended General Harold J. Greene’s funeral

I was disturbed albeit not surprised after reading the article “General Killed in Afghanistan Laid to Rest in Arlington Rites” (Aug. 15). It was...

Candace Owens on 50 Cent and Taxing The Rich!

All right guys, I was about to head to dinner but I decided to hop on my Live because I saw, I know I'm...

Channeling Frank Underwood, Actor Kevin Spacey Speaks With Tucker Carlson

On Christmas Eve Kevin Spacey, in character as Frank Underwood from his former role on Netflix’s “House of Cards,” posted the video of his interview by Mr. Carlson.
Twitter and the CCP

Who is Miles Taylor? asks President Trump, and everyone else

Who is Miles Taylor? Said he was “anonymous”, but I don’t know him - never even heard of him. Just another @nytimes SCAM -...

Big Tech Is the ‘Enforcement Arm’ of US Government’s Attempts to Suppress Free Speech:...

As technology companies in the United States roll out new programs to censor users over political speech, there is a growing argument over whether this could...

Biden Speech: Attempted Intimidation That Actually Reflects Desperation

Nobody with any sense believes Joe Biden determined a course of action, or oversaw a single syllable of how his address was crafted.
Pulp Fiction (1994) Complete Foot Massage Scene

Why Are Pacific Islanders Super Fat? A Novel Pathological Approach

Pacific Islander obesity may be a combination of Western trash food introduced to people to whom that eating style is alien and “thrifty” genes that encourage fat storage.
Josh Hammer Newsweek Opinion

The Limits of ‘Free Speech’

When embattled freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), took to the U.S. House floor Thursday morning in advance of a chamberwide vote to possibly...
Ron Johnson on Sunday Morning Futures

Sen. Johnson Talks Biden and the Democrats’ Radical Agenda on Fox News

OSHKOSH — On Sunday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) joined Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” to discuss to Democrats’ reckless spending proposals, President Biden’s weak...

The American Appearance

The appearance of many American's is appalling for the simple reason that they no longer take pride in how they dress. They embrace a “norm” that is unappealing and unbecoming.