Trump on Putting America First in 1987 | Larry King Live

In a September 2, 1987 interview with CNN's Larry King, Donald Trump explains why he took out an ad about how the George H.W....
Consumer Research Protecs Consumers From Woke Companies

Consumers First Initiative: Protecting Consumers from Woke Companies

The mission at Consumers’ Research is to increase the knowledge and understanding of issues, policies, products, and services of concern to consumers and to...
Bidens Red Sermon September 01 2022

Steve Cortes: Our Response to Biden’s “Red Sermon”

Biden darkly escalates -- because Permanent Washington loses its grip on power. Joe Biden has spent a half century in elected office in Washington DC....

Ladies And Gentlemen: 87 Years Later, This Advice From Fred Astaire Still Goes Ladies And Gentlemen: 87 Years Later, This Advice From Fred Astaire Still Goes Fred Astaire spent a good part of the 1930s on the silver...

Recognizing America’s leverage with Beijing 2022

Should America boycott 2022 Olympics or not is not the question, but how does the West use the threat of a boycott as leverage with the CCP.

MEP Christine Anderson’s Statement Opposing the Vaccine Mandate Agenda

German politician Christine Anderson is serving as an Alternative for Germany Member of the European Parliament. During the press conference "EU Parliament Opposes Mandate...

Paula Scanlan: The Dangers and Due Process Violations of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Children

This is a greater issue, the destruction of free speech. Any discussion of maintaining the sanctity of women’s spaces is labeled transphobic, bigoted, and hateful.
Adam Hardage, veteran and CEO of Remote Health Solutions

EXCLUSIVE: Special Ops Veteran Cancels Plans for Sunday Protest at FBI Headquarters After ‘Trap’...

I don't put it past the FBI or DOJ to come after Americans who are trying to defend the concepts of America and uphold the rule of law.

Megyn Kelly Responds to Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News: ‘Terrible Move’

Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly reacted to Monday’s news that Tucker Carlson would be departing by saying it was a “terrible move” on the network’s part.
Jack Engelhard

The happy life of my Biden-loving neighbor

Our neighbor planted a Biden sign on his front lawn. I guess we won’t be talking politics. Certainly, it skips the part where, in a...
The Epoch times and NTD

Joint Statement by The Epoch Times and NTD Television

The Epoch Times and NTD TV have been exposing the CCP's human rights atrocities, virulent propaganda, and malevolent influence on the global stage.
Audrey Hale, The Covenant School Shooter

Where’s the Manifesto?

As if by magic, we heard no more of the word transgendered, from the media or anywhere, nor anything of the manifesto, except that it had been handed to the FBI.