Twitter and the CCP

Who is Miles Taylor? asks President Trump, and everyone else

Who is Miles Taylor? Said he was “anonymous”, but I don’t know him - never even heard of him. Just another @nytimes SCAM -...

The U.S. Should Not Assume It Has the Luxury of Time in Its Confrontation...

The growing crisis over the Chinese regime’s threats against Taiwan requires the United States to recognize that Beijing may move against Taipei in the...
Wellcome Leap

A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction

The world’s richest medical research foundation, the Wellcome Trust, has teamed up with a pair of former DARPA directors who built Silicon Valley’s skunkworks...

Reagan Dealt with the UC-Berkeley Riots

As governor of California, Ronald Reagan had to deal with rioting at UC-Berkeley in 1969. He didn’t tell police to stand down, like officials...
2 migrants arrested for 12-year-old Houston girl's murder

 Joe Biden’s Growing Body Count

Two topics that came up in the presidential debate on CNN last night were the American lives lost in our withdrawal from Afghanistan as...
Wisconsin Absentee Ballot

An Open Letter To Fellow Wisconsin Conservatives

The ugly truth is that a fair number of Republican leaders in Wisconsin are giddy over the state's election results. They are flipping cartwheels...
Machu Picchu 101 | National Geographic

Culture Acquired, Unexpected Lessons Learned in Machu Picchu, Pt. II

(continued from Pt. I) To my beloved wife I entrust most of our travel plans. The sole exception to the rule is our planned return to the...

Defund the Universities

The left’s slogan “Defund the police” makes no sense. It doesn’t follow from the injustice perpetrated on George Floyd. The natural inference from that...

Channeling Frank Underwood, Actor Kevin Spacey Speaks With Tucker Carlson

On Christmas Eve Kevin Spacey, in character as Frank Underwood from his former role on Netflix’s “House of Cards,” posted the video of his interview by Mr. Carlson.
This statue by Stan Watts depicts Founding Fathers John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson kneeling in prayer.

Time for Clarity: Where are we and where are we going as a nation?

It is 2020. It is time for clarity about where we are and where we are going as a nation. It is time for...

Eclipsing the cynics

Every prediction about the Second Coming has been wrong.  I suppose the folly of date-setting is all part of our fallen nature and the inherent need for control.

Victor Davis Hanson on the Assault on Meritocracy, Politicization of the Virus, and the...

There will be “no safe space, no sanctuary from wokeism until the system starts to erode the safety and the security of the elite...