Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic Host

Find Someone Who Loves You As Much As The Left Hates Steve Bannon

Wow, how much do people on the Left, worldwide, hate Steve Bannon? Let’s put it this way, if you’re on the left and you don't...
Mark Eglinton on War Room

John McAfee Fought For Freedom Until The Day He Died

Mark Eglinton recorded extensive interviews with tech anti-hero John McAfee in the months preceding his mysterious death in custody in Spain. Now he’s turned...

People Are Waking up and California Is Coming Back: Pastor Jack Hibbs

The high crime rates, the governor’s long and strict lockdowns, high taxes, high living costs, roaming homeless people in the cities … California seems...

‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Dad Speaks Out

Host Steve Bannon talks to Jared Schmeck, the Oregon dad who called the NORAD “track Santa” line on Christmas Eve and wound up talking...

Paul Kingsnorth: why I changed sides in the vaccine wars

Paul Kingsnorth sees the vaccine wars as symptomatic of a bigger division between two fundamentally different world views: he calls them “thesis” and “antithesis.”...

Graphic Content Warning: MTG Speaks Out Against Death Threats Against Congress

Marjorie Taylor Greene posted this message on Twitter sharing voice mail message death threats left her as a sitting member of the United States...

I’m 17. And I’m Immunized from Woke Politics.

I’m a first generation, 17-year-old Black American who grew up in Bedford-Stuyvesant, the Brooklyn neighborhood made famous by Jay-Z. Given that brief biography, perhaps you’d...
James Golden on War Room

The Real Story Of Thanksgiving Is A Clash Between Socialism And Capitalism

James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley (Rush Limbaugh’s sidekick for 30 years), joins Steve Bannon on the Thanksgiving special to talk about his own story...
Joe Biden

Wake Up America! We Are At War! At this writing, the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse was yet to be determined. The jury was still out, with two members openly expressing their...

Federal First Responder With Medical Condition Facing Termination Due to Vaccine Mandate

Dr. Gina Smith is a psychologist that specializes in treating first responders and veterans who is currently running as a Republican for the U.S....

Let Leftists Parade Obama As Their Mascot

Leftists will certainly attempt to concoct their excuses for this past week's electoral thrashing, or claim that they are vindicated by the New Jersey...

MEP Christine Anderson’s Statement Opposing the Vaccine Mandate Agenda

German politician Christine Anderson is serving as an Alternative for Germany Member of the European Parliament. During the press conference "EU Parliament Opposes Mandate...