Psaki Blames Unvaccinated Americans on Biden’s Collapsing Poll Numbers

White House press secretary Jen Psaki responded to a question about President Joe Biden’s tanking approval ratings on Friday by appearing to blame the...

Nick Vujicic: Creating a Bank Free of Social Control After Facing Financial Cancel Culture

Banks in the United States are enforcing social justice cancel culture, and they are kicking out people who support values not in line with the new...

US Should Be More Conciliatory to China: Bill Gates

Tech billionaire Bill Gates says the United States and Australia should adopt a more conciliatory approach to working with China on issues such as climate change.

Bud is no wiser

Anheuser-Busch's advertising campaign seeking to pass off a man for a woman, hitched their Clydesdales to transgender Dylan Mulvaney, reinforcing their wokeness. 
There Is Only Sex - The Office US

Fringe Science: What Havoc ‘The Pill’ Wreaked on Sex Relations

When women take the pill (synthetic progesterone), it permanently inhibits estrogen levels, which facilitates an attraction to men with less masculine features.

Coming To Grips With The Two Americas

America has clearly fractured to a degree not seen since the years immediately preceding the Civil War. And if that comparison sounds ominous, it should!
Trump The Eagle Mugshot

The shot seen round the world

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, how much does that mugshot of Trump rate? He raised $4.18 million, the single-highest 24-hour funding period of his campaign.
James Lindsay in New York

Marxists Seek to Destabilize American Society Through Sexualization of Young People: Expert

Young people in the United States are being subjected to communist-style sexualization, according to author and expert James Lindsay.

Squeezing the World’s Vulnerable Peoples

78 years after the Holocaust, anti-Israel protestors throughout the Middle East, cities of the Western world, and iconic American universities chant death threats.

The Guilty Pleasure of Twitter Terminations

Twitter employees violated constitutional rights by cooperating with government to crush the First Amendment, deplatforming doctors, scientists, and regular people.

DeSantis: Florida vs. Lockdowns

Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdowns that followed have ravaged much of what Americans hold dear. And virtually every aspect of life...

Warning To American Gun Owners From Canadian News Anchor

Canadian News Anchor Brian Lilley gives an important warning to his American friends: registration of firearms will lead to the confiscation of firearms.