Is it time to give up on California? Possibly

Now that the recall effort to remove Gavin Newsom as governor is over, I’ve had time to reflect on where I think the state...

General Flynn Resigned — Now General Milley Should Do So Too

Back in February 2017 General Mike Flynn was obliged to resign as National Security Advisor because, during the interregnum between Donald Trump’s victory in...
Joe Kent on War Room

Kevin McCarthy Is Funding Anti-Trump GOP Candidates

Joe Kent, candidate for Congress in Washington, tells Steve Bannon that the RINO establishment Republican Party is continuing to fight against President Trump’s agenda....
Nicki Minaj

Pop Star Nicki Minaj Speaks Truth To Power

The “War Room” gave time to an unusual but brave spokesperson for liberty today, as Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec played the comments of...

Biden’s Medical Apartheid

Events this weekend showcased the intense bifurcation of America into two separate realities. As our country observed the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks,...

Bush and Clinton Push “January 6 Domestic Terrorism Threat” on 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Globalists Hijack 9/11 Anniversary, Trot Out Bush and Hillary to Unleash “January 6 Domestic Terrorism Threat” Narrative For most Americans, the 20th anniversary of the...
Rob Oneill 9/11 2021

Navy SEAL Who Shot Bin Laden Says Internal Division Now Biggest Threat to America

Robert O’Neill, who killed Osama bin Laden, said that biggest threat to America comes not from outside but from internal strife and division.

Kassam: There’s Been 20 Years Of Heartbreak

“War Room” co-host Raheem Kassam reflects on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 from the point of view of one who lived in England at...

9/11 ‘Smell of Death’ Continues to Claim Lives

Toxins from the rubble of the former World Trade Center continue their poisonous streak even 20 years on, leading to serious ailments and death....
Rudy Giuliani on War Room with Steven Bannon

Giuliani: Socialism Always Ends With A Dictator

Mayor Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s private attorney, appeared on “War Room” today in the run-up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Part of the...
Afghanistan's Lesson: Reclaim America

Afghanistan’s Lesson: Reclaim America

Is the American regime—the real established political order—worthy of Americans’ love and blood? Not today. But it should—and still could—be.

Opinion: Biden has no business setting foot at Ground Zero on the anniversary of...

President Biden says he will visit Ground Zero, the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA, on the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Here is a...