Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic

Heeding Steve Bannon’s Call, Election Deniers Organize to Seize Control of the GOP —...

After Steve Bannon urged his followers to take over local-level GOP positions, the plan went viral across far-right media One of the loudest voices urging...

Noor Bin Ladin’s Letter To America

America Two hundred and fourty-four years ago, the resolve, courage, and wisdom of your Founding Fathers forever changed the course of history. For the first...
Sean Parnell on War Room with Steve Bannon

Senate Candidate Sean Parnell Just Endorsed By Trump For Good Reason

U.S. Senate candidate Sean Parnell of Pennsylvania joined Steve Bannon on “War Room” for the first half hour of the afternoon show. They talked...
Child in Face Mask

The Downsides of Masking Young Students Are Real

The educational cost of face coverings is far better established than the benefits of mandates. Scientists have an obligation to strive for honesty. And on...

Joe Biden’s call to Afghan prez is impeachable: Devine

Bombshell report about July phone call between Biden and then-Afghanistan President Ghani, in which the US president promises military aid in return for lies.

Why Gold Star families felt disrespected by Biden

The loss of a son is devastating, and no one should begrudge Biden’s expressions of the grief about Beau’s premature death. However, the families...

Big Tech Is the ‘Enforcement Arm’ of US Government’s Attempts to Suppress Free Speech:...

As technology companies in the United States roll out new programs to censor users over political speech, there is a growing argument over whether this could...
Nigel Farage on War Room

Nigel Farage: Biden Is Not Fit For The Job And Needs To Go

British nationalist and BREXIT icon Nigel Farage joined Steve Bannon on “War Room” today to talk about America’s declining place in the world under...

Mother of slain Marine Rylee McCollum speaks out against Biden’s actions in Afghanistan

Kathy McCollum, the mother of slain U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, one of the 14 U.S. troops slain in the blast at Kabul...
Flag Draped Transfer Cases from Kabul Airport Bombing 2021

Flag Officers For America: Department of Defense Accountability

A fundamental principle in the military is holding those in charge responsible and accountable for their actions or inaction. There must be accountability at...
ABC's George Stephanopoulos interviews President Joe Biden on Afghanistan

A Self-Inflicted Catastrophe

The suicide attack that killed 170 people including 13 U.S. troops provides the crowning disgrace for President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken,...
Rep. Tracy Pennycuick

We Couldn’t Have Screwed This Up Better

Steve Bannon talked to a rising star of the Republican Party today, Rep. Tracy Pennycuick of the Pennsylvania legislature, a retired lieutenant colonel in...