EXCLUSIVE: Kabul Woman Risks Life to Call for International Action

Farzana Kochai, member of the Afghan Parliament and activist, was a child when the Taliban last occupied Afghanistan. She remembers the ban on girls attending school and on women...
Erik Prince on War Room with Steve Bannon

Erik Prince Responds To Psaki Who Accused Him Of Profiting Off Kabul Debacle

White House's Jen Psaki criticized Erik Prince for rescuing Americans and others from Kabul airport, claiming he was profiteering. Here is Prince’s response.
Sam Faddis and Steven Bannon

Taliban Sending Deadly Signal That It’s Time For US To Go

Sam Faddis, retired CIA agent and author, talked to Steve Bannon today about the catastrophic U.S. retreat from Kabul: “We are in the process of...
Barack Obama and Joe Biden

Biden Cabal Afghanistan Disaster Reeks of Obama

Among the greatest misconceptions of the two terms of Barack Obama was that he was "inept" and "ineffectual" in his office. Such an assessment...
Marjorie Taylor Greene on War Room

Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Three Articles of Biden Impeachment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) told Steve Bannon why Joe Biden must be impeached on ‘War Room”; “Remember I introduced articles of impeachment back in...
Marjorie Taylor Green on War Room Pandemic discussing actions to be taken against radical legislation

The Fall of America As We Know It and What You Can Do!

Marjorie Taylor Greene asks us to ACT TODAY!!! PLEASE CALL ALL Republican congressman (and moderate Democrats) at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote "NO"...

Limits on Afghan Refugees Mean Little Given Our Open Southern Border

Routes and smugglers move Afghans over U.S. southern border despite Washington DC policy and they usually get to stay permanently.

It’s Time to Purge the ‘Experts’

The United States’ military mission in Afghanistan has collapsed in chaos and ignominy. The catastrophe has many parents. But surely “the experts” upon which our...

Veterans Express Anger, Sadness Over Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan

Billy Vaughn of Florida is hesitant to say whether the war in Afghanistan was worth it or not, believing it’s not for him to pass judgment. All...

Will America Ever Recover From the Disaster of Afghanistan?

“As the situation on the ground in Afghanistan’s capital continues to deteriorate, thousands of U.S. citizens are trapped in and around Kabul with no ability...

Media ministry offers ‘lifeline’ to fearful Afghans as Taliban kill Christians

LIFELINE AMID TALIBAN KILLING SPREE: After the International troop withdrawals, the Taliban are going door-to-door in Afghanistan, executing Christians on the spot. Middle East...

Lessons From Afghanistan

You have to give President Biden credit for consistency. Unfortunately, he has been consistently wrong. As Robert Gates, former defense secretary in the Obama administration once...