National Flag of the People's Republic of China and Flag of Taiwan

If You Live in Taiwan, Time to Worry

Taiwan needs to worry about American reliability. Unlike Afghanistan, where the United States had committed its forces for two decades, Taiwan has no U.S. forces and no...
Biden's First Months Disaster

Unmitigated Disasters: Biden’s First Months Have Been Some Of America’s Worst.

The presidency of Joseph Robinette Biden has been an unmitigated disaster from the get go. There’s no other way to say it, and the...
A man holds up a sign against Critical Race Theory

Why I Oppose Critical Race Theory

I serve in the Texas House of Representatives, which is essentially under siege by Democrats who have fled Texas to avoid our conservative legislative...
Washington DC

Guidance for US Immigration Policy

Even as the foreign-born become an ever-greater portion of American’s population, Washington’s immigration policy looks increasingly confused and contradictory. The government held the northern border...

Patriotic Olympians the Liberal Woke Media Didn’t Want You to See

Now that the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games have concluded, it would be easy for the casual viewer to think that American patriotism and love of country...

Tom MacDonald – “Brainwashed”

GUYS! The new video “Brainwashed” is at 500k views & #1 in iTunes Hip-Hop already!!! We’re #5 in all genres but we can DEFINITELY...
China’s State Propaganda Group Boasts Control Over Western Think Tanks

Benedict Biden Leaves The Country Defenseless

Most Americans are generally aware that Benedict Arnold was a traitor.  Many are perhaps less aware of the details. Arnold, a general officer during...

Joe Biden’s credibility has been shredded in Afghanistan

If Donald Trump were presiding over the debacle in Afghanistan, the US foreign policy establishment would be loudly condemning the irresponsibility and immorality of...

Andrew Cuomo Resignation: A Different Perspective

Every decent American is recognizing the ouster of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as a net positive on so many fronts. From his trail...
COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine Hesitancy: Showing Resilience, Integrity, and Grit

An open “letter to the unvaccinated” released by the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, issues a clarion call for individual autonomy and freedom from state...

Marxism With American Characteristics

Despite modern technology, there is no better way to send a message to the world than from a well-written and timely book. Mark Levin has...

Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff on Vaccine Passports, the Delta Variant, and the COVID ‘Public...

“Those who are pushing these vaccine mandates and vaccine passports … they’re doing so much more damage to vaccine confidence than anybody else,” says...