Liz Wheeler on the Marxist Subversion of American Education

Children are harmed by radical Marxist theory in America’s public education, the sooner this is realized, the sooner we will have a chance to reclaim a future.
American Moments With Molly McCann

The Molly McCann Memo: Hot War In Ukraine

A lot of Americans are reeling as they watch an actual “hot” war unfold before our eyes in Ukraine. I shake my head as...

Kelly Shackelford: IRS Claims Christianity Is Political, Targets Nonprofits

The IRS recently denied the nonprofit status of a Christian organization by claiming that Christianity is tied to politics because the Bible’s “teachings are typically affiliated with” the...

Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron’s full speech at the Republican National Convention

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, the first African American Attorney General, spoke on the second night of the Republican National Convention on Aug. 25,...

‘Silent Majority’ Must Speak Up When Vocal Minority Imposes Views on Society: Rapper and...

If people do not speak up when faced with vocal minority imposing radical views on society, the silent majority will face dire consequences.

Deprogramming From the ‘Woke’ Cult: Former Social Justice Warrior Overcomes Fear to Speak Up

Deprogramming from the cult of wokism didn’t happen overnight for Keri Smith, but behavior of friends during 2020 election sped up the process.
Diving off the USS America

Diving off the USS America

The Deseret News wrote: “The American experiment is in trouble. Deaths of despair — due to suicide, drugs, or alcohol poisoning — have surged in recent years.
American Tax Payer

One Angry American speaks out on the use of American’s tax dollars

Hey, so I have a got a little question and I want to preface this by saying I'm a dummy. Don't have millionaire parents....
Amber Rose Says She's Still Voting For Donald Trump After Felony Conviction | TMZ

Americans are waking up, rejecting policies of the Left, and voting for TRUMP!

We just did our research and we're not brainwashed anymore by the left. I can say that about myself. All these years I've been brainwashed, and I'm not anymore.
Either With Us Or With The Terrorists - Bush

Sober Analysis: War as the Health of the State

The problem with peace is that the interests that determine war and peace rarely find any use for the latter, whereas they find plenty in war. War delivers the goods
Rand Paul on Inflation Tax

Inflation and the Price of Goods: What to Buy Now and What to Avoid

It may seem that everywhere you turn, costs are going up. Earlier this year, Chipotle raised its menu prices by about 4 percent. Food...

Ruby Ridge, 30 years ago, helps explain the FBI’s ‘Gestapo’ image

In the wake of the massive raid at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, politicians and pundits are hectoring Americans to blindly trust the FBI.