Fencing U.S. Capitol

Washington Reality Versus American Reality

Washington reality reflects the fevered conversation over lunch, cocktails, and dinner between the Washington press corps, lobbyists, and government officials. Washington reality reflects the narcissistic...
Supreme Court

It’s Time for the Supreme Court to Overrule Roe v. Wade

The Supreme Court has agreed to review the constitutionality of a Mississippi statute banning most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The court should...

Tulsi Gabbard Demands Chicago Mayor Resign for ‘Blatant Anti-White Racism’

Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard accused Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot of “blatant anti-white racism” Friday for only granting one-on-one interviews to “black and brown”...
Portland riots – The Oregonian

The Fourth Turning Crisis Has Arrived

Whether America reaffirms itself as a land of Constitutional freedom or becomes a plot of ground in the socialist world order remains to be seen.
Arizona Audit 2021

Arizona Audit Terrifies Democrats And GOP “Establishment”

The massive effort to suppress any news of the Maricopa County Arizona audit highlights not only the alarming extent of the leftist "Deep State,"...
Consumer Research Protecs Consumers From Woke Companies

Consumers First Initiative: Protecting Consumers from Woke Companies

The mission at Consumers’ Research is to increase the knowledge and understanding of issues, policies, products, and services of concern to consumers and to...
Franklin Project

Lincoln Project Scam Creates Franklin Subsidiary: Outfit that protected homosexual stalker plans to connect...

In February, the scamsters at the disgraced Lincoln Project announced an “independent probe” to explain how the project’s masters permitted founder John Weaver to use his position to solicit at...
Franklin Project

Lincoln Project Scam Creates Franklin Subsidiary. Outfit That Protected Homosexual Stalker Plans to Connect...

In February, the scamsters at the disgraced Lincoln Project announced an “independent probe” to explain how the project’s masters permitted founder John Weaver to use his position to solicit at...

Lara Logan: Propagandists and ‘Political Assassins’ Have Infected the Media

The state of the media in the United States has shifted over the years to the extent that the industry is no longer recognizable,...
American Flag

Over 150 Retired Flag Officers Label Political Actions “Threat to U.S. National Security

Over 150 retired generals and admirals (Flag Officers) have signed an open letter based on their oath to support and defend the constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
The Candace Owens Show

Video Playlist: The Candace Owens Show

PragerU has launched The Candace Owens Show featuring in-depth conversations with fascinating guests on a variety of topics. You can see the original new episodes every Sunday on PragerU.
Republic Party Sucks

The Republican Party Sucks

The brute fact is that the GOP today—unlike its original incarnation—has no rootedness in any specific moral conception of political life. It is an...