Shawntel Cooper, Ian Prior, Jeremy Wright, and Karlee Copeland Give the LCPS Board a...

Shawntel Cooper, Ian Prior, Jeremy Wright, and Karlee Copeland give the Loudoun County Public School Board a master class on why Critical Race Training...

Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals

More than 120 retired flag officers are calling on Americans to rally and reject the nation's excessive embrace of a radical progressive agenda, particularly...
American Flags

More Than 120 Retired Flag Officers Call On Americans To ‘Save America, Our Constitutional...

More than 120 retired flag officers are calling on Americans to rally and reject the nation’s excessive embrace of a radical leftist agenda, particularly...
Peter Navarro on War Room

Kevin McCarthy Has Got to Go Says Peter Navarro

"Kevin McCarthy has got to go," says Peter Navarro on Steve Bannon's War Room.
Cross Roads with Joshua Philipp

Dinesh D’Souza: Emerging Totalitarian Mindset Seen in People Reporting on Neighbors

A new phenomenon is spreading in the United States, where people are being encouraged to report on their neighbors on partisan legal issues, and...
Iran bombing Capitol Hill Video Screen Shot

Iran Threatens To Destroy The Capitol – Biden Pushes Appeasement

The Biden administration has in a little over 100 days demonstrated a level of foreign policy incompetence, which is almost unbelievable. Not since Jimmy...
President Donald Trump Facebook Image

Institutionalizing Trumpism

Republican officials are rendering an unequivocal verdict: They want to cement former President Trump's politics and policies into the foundation of the GOP for...
Black Hammer Logo

Meet Black Hammer: The Guys Who Think Black Lives Matter Is Too Soft

We are well into the second year of an ongoing Marxist revolution in this country – mounted by groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Black Hammer.
Transhumanist Brain

Transhumanists Aim To Replace God With Machines Through Digital Immortality

Tech companies are selling the idea of 'digital resurrection.' That's only a problem if we're dumb enough to buy it. Transhumanists have hyped the new...
Sabrina Lopez in Houston, Texas, on April 24, 2021.

Innocent Mall Encounter Ends in Teen Sex Trafficking

Sabrina Lopez, like many young teens in Holyoke, Massachusetts, hung out at the namesake all. It was 2003. She always noticed a large group of...

RINOs Think They Can Re-live “Unity/ Inclusiveness” Scam

When Real America ponders the twisted course that has brought us to the abysmal place where we now find ourselves, it is imperative to...

‘Deplorable’ professor creates ‘anti-indoctrination mill’ with new education startup

Michael Rectenwald got himself chased out of New York University when the self-identified communist copped to tweeting against trigger warnings, safe spaces and bias reporting under...