President Ronald Reagan: The Shining City Up On A Hill

Corruption irruption

That shining city on the hill that Ronald Reagan so eloquently described is trading a democratic republic in for a banana republic in less than a generation.
Dr. Ben Carson

Media’s Collusion With Executive Branch Destroyed Trust in Public Health: Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson said to restore trust in public health agencies, mainstream media needs to be held accountable for colluding with executive branch.
Social Media

One Playground, Two Rules: Stifling Conservative Speech on Online Platforms

In 2017, James Damore - a senior software engineer at Google, made a seemingly straightforward remark on gender gaps in a memo that nearly...
The Westminster Declaration

The Westminster Declaration

We write as journalists, artists, authors, activists, technologists, and academics to warn of increasing international censorship that threatens to erode centuries-old democratic norms.
Nicki Minaj

Pop Star Nicki Minaj Speaks Truth To Power

The “War Room” gave time to an unusual but brave spokesperson for liberty today, as Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec played the comments of...
Violent Protests

America must re-establish its moral certitude

The good people of this nation are universally appalled at the atrocities daily being committed in our midst. From the looting, arson and even...
Democrat Run American Cities are Burning

Property Rights Thrown out of Smashed Windows as Democratic Mayors Flee

In a Twitter discussion back in July, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) was all too eager to jump on the police reform bandwagon with...
Maryland Black Republican Council

Christopher Anderson, Coast Guard Veteran and Community Activist, Appointed Chairman of the Maryland Black...

The Maryland Black Republican Council proudly announces the appointment of Christopher Anderson as its new Chairman.

More Suspicious Fires to Impact Our Food Supply

Back in 2022 I wrote an article for another conservative online news source: “Why the Sudden Rash of Food Processing Plant Fires?” In that article I...
Church Signs in Green County, Tennesse

Faith, Freedom, Fear: Rural America’s Covid Vaccine Skeptics

Resistance is widespread in white, Republican communities like this one in Appalachia. But it’s far more complicated than just a partisan divide. "But a week...
U.S. Constitution with Syringes

Censorship Is an Act of Desperation

The censors are losing the debate. They cannot defend what they have done over the past four-plus years and now can only resort to forced silencing.

The America First Movement has a Sean Hannity Problem

In 2016, Donald Trump showed that a Republican candidate can run, and win, without swearing fealty to the permanent war party. He ran on...