Border Crisis

America Reaching Open Border Boiling Point

Anger among Americans increases as Biden’s reckless policies lead to an open southern border resulting in more crime, drug overdose deaths and economic problems.

Today’s Must Watch: Former NFL Player Jack Brewer’s Powerful Congressional Testimony- “Fatherlessness”

Jack Brewer testified at Congressional hearing on school shootings. The Jack Brewer Foundation helps the world combat extreme poverty and human rights challenges.
Transhumanist Brain

Transhumanists Aim To Replace God With Machines Through Digital Immortality

Tech companies are selling the idea of 'digital resurrection.' That's only a problem if we're dumb enough to buy it. Transhumanists have hyped the new...

Eric Metaxas: Boycotting Companies That Engage in Corporate Marxism Is a Moral Necessity

Cancel culture is running amok, and one of the phenomena now emerging is big government working through Big Tech to carry out censorship. Among the voices recently...
Larry Elder

The Los Angeles Times Versus Larry Elder

The other day I did something I thought I would never do again—subscribe to the Los Angeles Times. Although the paper had been kind to me in...
Joe Biden Will Debate Trump, LOL!!!

Showtime in Hotlanta

Trump's debate issues are illegal immigration, crime, inflation and foreign policy, Biden's are abortion, global warming, transgenderism, and Trump's threat to democracy.
"You Had Me at Hello" | Jerry Maguire

‘Rage Rituals’: Modern Feminism’s Logical Endpoint

Jibber-jabber from the professional intersectional grievance industry regarding phantom and uniquely oppressive Western Patriarch wreck's women’s mental health.

“Leave the World Behind” Movie Offers Stupid Warning

The controversy created by the Obama’s involvement in this Netflix movie was the only reason I took the time to watch it. I am...

Time for Another Great Awakening

America is in trouble, and a cataclysm of ominous events may soon overwhelm us. We need a national spiritual revival. Keep the faith and pray for a Great Awakening.
Left Wing & Right Wing Stop Censorship

Left and Right Should Unite to Stop Censorship

We, a former advisor to President Bill Clinton’s campaign and a former member of the George W. Bush Administration, may not agree on many...

Memorial Day 2021 In Perspective

Sadly, Memorial Day 2021 finds America under the pall of an enemy that in many ways exceeds the threat posed by all others. For...
Dianne Feinstein

Religious Pluralism is Dead in California

Gavin Newsom wasted no time attacking Judge Amy Coney Barrett yesterday. But the Governor’s attacks are nothing compared to those of our senior U.S....