Justin Amler in Israel

A Tale Of Two Pictures: You Can’t Divorce Zionism from Judaism

I saw two pictures the other day. Two pictures of a group of Jews, many who were smiling with joy and pride. Jews who were...

James O’Keefe Speaks at the New York Young Republicans 108th Gala

James O’Keefe is the keynote speaker at the New York Young Republicans 108th Gala.
The Epoch Times

Truth-Seeking Americans Have the Moral High Ground

When communists such as Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, or Vladimir Lenin overthrew governments in order to impose totalitarian control, they were always in the...
BlackRock • Vanguard • State Street

Institutional Investor: There’s an Oligopoly in Asset Management. This Researcher Says It Should Be...

BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street control $15 trillion, posing challenges to corporate governance and competition, and concentrating power in the hands of a few,...
America Betrayed

America Is Being Betrayed On Two Fronts

Over the past weekend, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie proclaimed the Trump legal team to be "a national embarrassment." So in the midst...

Alan Dershowitz Condemns Blacklists of Trump Associates: “It’s a Fight for Liberty & Freedom”

It was Heinrich Heine who once said that, "If you begin by burning books, you'll end by burning people. And if you begin by...
Intellectual Honesty Lies Here

Yes! We Dare Call It ‘Conspiracy’

The insanity of "Political Correctness" has been forced on America over the past several decades for multiple reasons. Not the least among them has...

Trump – Silent Running

Justin Bellucci's awesome video entitled Trump - Silent Running has been removed from YouTube numerous times so we are sharing it here. Stand strong,...
Audi Alteram Partem - Right To Be Heard

Why Donald Trump Has Every Right To Be Reluctant and Every Right To Be...

If you’ve ever been to a beautiful, unspoiled countryside in Switzerland, you may have seen tent like structures filled with fruits, vegetables and an...

Favorite Tweet: Democratic leaders now recommend we all wear blindfolds

Breaking News: Democratic leaders now recommend we all wear blindfolds along with masks so we can't see what's really going on!!! pic.twitter.com/yJnnKVjume— Gina Carano 🕯...

March For Trump Nov 14 2020 Washington DC

Democrats are scheming to disenfranchise and nullify Republican votes. It’s up to the American people to stop it. Along with President Trump, we will NOT...
Donald Trump

Trump’s Ultimate Legacy and Irony May Be His Unwanted Role in Electoral Reform

How ironic that a one-time beloved playboy known to have lived the life of a Roman emperor in a golden multi-leveled suite in a...