With Liberty and Justice for All

A Basic Civics Lesson For All Squishy Moderates

The question is not whether President Trump won the 2020 Election. He did. The question is not whether the leftist Democrat political machines in...
James Wood Twitter

Words of Wisdom from James Woods

James Woods recently tweeted the following, "And just like that the rioting and looting has ceased overnight. And now the half of the country...
Trump Pence Make America Great Again

27 Reasons Why President Trump Should Challenge the Election “Results”

President Trump is such a hero to a majority of the citizens of the United States in a majority of the states in the...
Wisconsin Absentee Ballot

An Open Letter To Fellow Wisconsin Conservatives

The ugly truth is that a fair number of Republican leaders in Wisconsin are giddy over the state's election results. They are flipping cartwheels...

The People’s Pundit Rich Baris discussing the Aftermath of 2020 U.S. Election Process

Eric Hunley is with Rich Baris of The People's Pundit to discuss the nightmare of the 2020 election process, including the disregard of election...
Red Flag of Fraud and, U.S. Flag

The 2020 Election: F**kery Is Afoot

I am more offended by how ham fisted, clumsy, and audacious the fraud to elect him is than the idea of Joe Biden being president.

Must Watch 2020 Election Fraud Update

There is so much up in the air after the 2020 presidential election. Viva Frei does a live stream with Robert Barnes of Barnes...
Philadelphia Police

Journalism Must Leave Politicizing, Return to Reporting

Amid calls for violent protests following the 2020 presidential election and yet another wave of violent riots in response to an apparently lawful police...
Social Media

One Playground, Two Rules: Stifling Conservative Speech on Online Platforms

In 2017, James Damore - a senior software engineer at Google, made a seemingly straightforward remark on gender gaps in a memo that nearly...
Twitter and the CCP

Who is Miles Taylor? asks President Trump, and everyone else

Who is Miles Taylor? Said he was “anonymous”, but I don’t know him - never even heard of him. Just another @nytimes SCAM -...
This statue by Stan Watts depicts Founding Fathers John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson kneeling in prayer.

Time for Clarity: Where are we and where are we going as a nation?

It is 2020. It is time for clarity about where we are and where we are going as a nation. It is time for...
Jack Engelhard

The happy life of my Biden-loving neighbor

Our neighbor planted a Biden sign on his front lawn. I guess we won’t be talking politics. Certainly, it skips the part where, in a...