Why Dr. Joseph Mercola Deleting Content

FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours

Never in Dr. Mercola's life would he believe that the sitting President of the U.S. would call out 12 Americans in a McCarthyism like attack.

Historical TRUTH BOMBS for Pro-Palestinian Protesters

The mainstream media, some of our colleges of the world, and “the squad” of Congress do not tell the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

 Bridge Disaster Offers Many Oddities

There is an old expression that a tragedy can bring out the best and worst in people. For our leadership yesterday simply brought out...
Jon Voight

Videos: Actor Jon Voight in Defense of God, America and Donald Trump

Jon Voight is an Academy Award winning actor and a proud American who loves his country and supports his president, Donald J. Trump.

Defund the Universities

The left’s slogan “Defund the police” makes no sense. It doesn’t follow from the injustice perpetrated on George Floyd. The natural inference from that...
Attorney General Merrick Garland

Garland has a political duty to explain the circus perpetrated at Mar-a-Lago

Merrick Garland assured senators that he does not have “a political bone” in his body. That seems to be true, unfortunately.
Violent Tragedies: Ralph Yarl and Kaylin Gillis

Latest Reportage On Violent Tragedies: “Free Press” Spewing Communal Hatred and Stoking Racial Tensions

These are fragile times in America. Choose to commit to standing between those who wish to break us down and pit us against one another.

Left Endorses Terrorism and Overthrow of Government Over Roe v. Wade; Destroys Narratives on...

Far-left terrorist organizations openly organize attacks and protests following overturn of Roe v. Wade with left's support not condemnation.
Liz Cheney Campaign Sign and Rhino

The Real Significance of Liz Cheney’s Political Implosion

Greatest accomplishment of Trump Presidency was unmasking RINOs and "business as usual" betrayals of Conservatives who put them in office.
Mike Johnson Is House Speaker Designate!!!

Meet The New Boss, Mike Johnson, Same As The Old Boss

Speaker Mike Johnson has an uncertain political future after supporting Ukrainian aid opposed by most grassroots Republicans and his GOP colleagues in Congress.
National Flag of the People's Republic of China and Flag of Taiwan

If You Live in Taiwan, Time to Worry

Taiwan needs to worry about American reliability. Unlike Afghanistan, where the United States had committed its forces for two decades, Taiwan has no U.S. forces and no...
Enes Kanter Freedom Reflects on ‘Lonely’ Journey

Inspiring Young People About Human Rights More Important Than Paycheck: NBA Free Agent Enes...

Enes Kanter Freedom launched the Enes Kanter Freedom Foundation to fight for religious liberty and human rights around the world.