Jonathan Isaac stood for national anthem and did not wear Black Lives Matter t-shirt...

Jonathan Isaac is a forward on the Orlando Magic who stood for the national anthem and did not wear a Black Lives Matter t-shirt...
Dr. Lisa Koche

Dr. Lisa Koche speaks Out on COVID-19

My colleagues stood on Capitol Hill to speak up, to lead, to empower, to inform the public because doctors are not being heard and humanity needs us now.

Rep. Yoho fires back at AOC’s accusation that he verbally attacked her

U.S. Representative Ted Yoho from Florida's 3rd congressional district denies that he bullied and swore at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Capitol Hill.

A Warning From Yugoslavia: Don’t Let Socialism Come To America

A woman who fled the former nation of Yugoslavia discusses how socialism led to that nations downfall and how events happening in America parallel...
America cannot afford to abandon its moral certitude

America cannot afford to abandon its moral certitude

In my book “Rules for Defeating Radicals”, I devote an entire chapter to the strategic importance to the left of destroying the moral certitude...
Timcast IRL

Intersectionality Has Made Social Media A Cultural Warzone, Section 230 Reform MAY Be The...

Intersectionality has made social media a cultural warzone and Section 230 reform may be the solution. Tim discusses what he thinks might be able...
So what new ‘crisis’ are they planning?

So what new ‘crisis’ are leftist Democrats planning for America?

Despite the best combined efforts of leftist Democrats and their Fake News minions to keep America in a total panic throughout the spring, the...
Democrat strategy of fear, chaos, and despotism

Democrat strategy of fear, chaos, and despotism

In the midst of so much continuing calamity, it has become difficult to fully grasp the sequence of events of the past six months....

The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty

Introduction September 3, 2011 ~ The article that follows lays out a strategy for reforming welfare. Published in The Nation magazine forty-five years ago, it...

MeWe Founder Mark Weinstein: The Rise of Surveillance Capitalism

We’re participating in the greatest socioeconomic experiment in human history. It’s called Surveillance Capitalism. Everything we do – morning, day, and night – is...

Doug Collins discussion at CPAC 2020: Democrats Agenda

Congressman Doug Collins (GA) discusses the Democrats 2020 agenda and the corruption of our government with Katie Pavailich at CPAC 2020. About Doug Collins A native...
Kent State Gun Girl

Kent State ‘gun girl’ confronted by protesters at Ohio University

In 2018 conservative gun-rights activist Kaitlin Bennett went viral as the “Kent State gun girl.” Returning to visit Ohio University on Monday, February 17, 2020, she was confronted by protesters.