Jack Engelhard

The happy life of my Biden-loving neighbor

Our neighbor planted a Biden sign on his front lawn. I guess we won’t be talking politics. Certainly, it skips the part where, in a...
Attorney General Merrick Garland

Garland has a political duty to explain the circus perpetrated at Mar-a-Lago

Merrick Garland assured senators that he does not have “a political bone” in his body. That seems to be true, unfortunately.
The Westminster Declaration

The Westminster Declaration

We write as journalists, artists, authors, activists, technologists, and academics to warn of increasing international censorship that threatens to erode centuries-old democratic norms.
Thomas Sowell on Political Correctness

“Woke!”… Because “PC” Wasn’t Idiotic Enough

The modern era of moral and cultural lunacy actually began several decades ago, with the advent of the "60s Revolution." Of course it was...
RINOs in the Swamp

RINOs Demand ‘Unity’ Amid Their Latest Budget Cave

Even when Republicans hold distinct majorities in both houses, they find more ways to capitulate to the left than to actually stand against it.

 Obama Changed News Media to Propaganda in 2017

Obama replaced presidentially appointed bipartisan voting Broadcasting Board of Govs with single decision-maker CEO appointed by WH answering to nobody but president.