AP News Logo

The Associated Press Takes Up Big Business Talking Point to Save President Biden And...

With forty year high inflation and its potential to hurt Biden and Dems midterm election prospects AP News is desperate to deflect blame.

New Report Uses Tortured Logic To Exonerate Obama Administration Use Of ‘Unmasking’ Against Trump...

Former AG Barr failed to prosecute Obama admin officials for leaking classified information containing unmasked American citizens names. 

 Effort Made to Recall Wisconsin’s Robin Voss

Nobody's worse than Robin Vos. You don't order an investigation of your state in an election and then when investigators come out with a report, you bury it.

Can Leftists Resuscitate Their 2020 Covid Litany of Lies?

Listening to all the artificial and overblown "hysteria" over vaccines, new "surges" in Wu-Flu cases, and dire prognostications over the fate of humanity if...
Larry Elder

The Los Angeles Times Versus Larry Elder

The other day I did something I thought I would never do again—subscribe to the Los Angeles Times. Although the paper had been kind to me in...

Liz Wheeler on the Marxist Subversion of American Education

Children are harmed by radical Marxist theory in America’s public education, the sooner this is realized, the sooner we will have a chance to reclaim a future.
George Soros Speaking at the WEF Davos 2022

Soros-Funded NGOs Demand Crackdown On Free Speech As Politicians Spread Hate Misinformation

Open Society Foundations-backed NGOs are pushing censorship agenda in Ireland and Scotland that includes police searches of homes, phones and computers. Hatred of racial, religious,...
Social Media

One Playground, Two Rules: Stifling Conservative Speech on Online Platforms

In 2017, James Damore - a senior software engineer at Google, made a seemingly straightforward remark on gender gaps in a memo that nearly...
Justin Amler in Israel

A Tale Of Two Pictures: You Can’t Divorce Zionism from Judaism

I saw two pictures the other day. Two pictures of a group of Jews, many who were smiling with joy and pride. Jews who were...
National Association For Gun Rights

Petition to STOP H.R. 127 – Gun licensing, gun and ammo registration, magazine bans

Sign the petition to STOP H.R. 127 — Gun licensing, gun and ammo registration, magazine bans Bill: H.R. 127 — Gun licensing, gun and ammo registration,...
Jon Voight

Videos: Actor Jon Voight in Defense of God, America and Donald Trump

Jon Voight is an Academy Award winning actor and a proud American who loves his country and supports his president, Donald J. Trump.

MeWe Founder Mark Weinstein: The Rise of Surveillance Capitalism

We’re participating in the greatest socioeconomic experiment in human history. It’s called Surveillance Capitalism. Everything we do – morning, day, and night – is...