Teamsters to Stop New York Deliveries over Trump Verdict

Social media posts and a news story in the New York Post indicate that truckers may halt deliveries to New York City starting tomorrow, Monday, February 19.

Midtown money grab

It is hard to argue with the month of June with school letting out, the summer solstice, and baseball in full swing. Then there...
Donald J Trump Speaks in North Charleston on Feb 14, 2024

 Biden is THE Un-American Hypocrite!

“What Trump Gets Right About Alliances: The president is correct to call the bluff of rich allies who free-ride on U.S. military might.” – Foreign Policy

 Obama Changed News Media to Propaganda in 2017

Obama replaced presidentially appointed bipartisan voting Broadcasting Board of Govs with single decision-maker CEO appointed by WH answering to nobody but president.

 EU Farmers Say NO to UN Agenda 2030!

There is a stunning and very concerning news story going on now in Europe that is not getting the attention of the world it...

Exclusive — Rep. Carol Miller: CBS Airing Super Bowl Ads for CCP-Linked Temu a...

CBS and Paramount should not be displaying ads for Temu — an online retailer that is essentially a subsidiary of the CCP during the February 11, 2024 Super Bowl.

Punting AM out of bounds

Surprisingly, bipartisan support resonates on both sides of the aisle as lawmakers want to mandate that AM radio is available in all new vehicles.

Who’s to Blame for the Elite Extreme Left?

Rasmussen poll numbers suggest prestige universities are indoctrinating the young people they’re supposed to be educating.

Giving Peacock the bird

Welcome to the future of NFL broadcasting as network TV will soon be washed away by the stream. As cable bleeds subscribers, streaming will fill the gap. 

Iowa Caucuses Shout A Resounding Message To America

In a nearly unified voice, Iowa rejected every accusation against former President Donald J. Trump, and instead rallied in an enormous show of support.

Covert Attacks on the Second Amendment by Ammo  

NY AG Letitia James is leading coalition of 20 states sending letter to White House, suggesting restrictions on sale of military-grade ammunition to civilians.

Shattering The Leftist Democrat Government Shutdown Narrative

Conservatives are reeling as Speaker Mike Johnson is rolling over for the Democrats and their latest bloated and dangerously misallocated spending scam.