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Thought Spot

Points: Thought Spot

Homeless in California

Chart of the Day: California and New York City Lead the Nation in Homelessness

There are shabby tent encampments in city parks, along streets, and beneath overpasses. America’s homelessness scourge is huge and shows few signs of getting better.
Dor Shachar ran away from his home in Gaza at age 12 to live in Israel.

A Young Palestinian Who Found Refuge in Israel

At age 12, Dor Shachar ran away from Gaza to live in Israel. What transpired was a journey that exposed a deep divide. Dor Shachar...
Youth Doing Nothing

Chart of the Day: Are Young Adults More Engaged in Life Than Before?

Some believe that young adults today are more interested in pursuing their passions and making a difference in the world. With the rise of...
Wayne Dupree Show

Wayne Dupree Show

Tired of the mainstream media lies? Tired of the political spin by leaders who claim to be working for you? Are you ready to...

Learn How To Spot Fake News

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Michael Malice (Author, The New Right) about the eighth chapter of “Don’t Burn This Book”, entitled...

What is Budget Reconciliation

Budget Reconciliation is a powerful feature of the Congressional budget process. Originally established to allow Congress to make unpopular reforms to entitlement programs, it...

Kimberley Strassel | The Resurgence of Socialism Today

The idea of socialism is ancient. Organized socialist movements took form in Europe in the nineteenth century, and socialism emerged as a dominant political...
Woodward’s and Wikipedia’s cozy and biased take on the Obama White House

Woodward’s and Wikipedia’s cozy and biased take on the Obama White House

If the White House will push Bob Woodward around on such a mundane matter as Obama’s role in a budget stand-off, what else will...
Law Enforcement Today

National sports shut down to honor a man wanted for sexual assault on a...

The following editorial is written by a retired police officer and current staff writer for Law Enforcement Today The following editorial is written by a...
Geopoltical Matrix

Chart of the Day: A Look at the Ukrainian Conflict Through a Geopolitical Matrix

There are two distinct potential strategies that Ukraine and the West could pursue to end the war – negotiating with Russia or defeating Russia and Putin.

Martin Luther King Jr’s Niece Dr. Alveda King Blasts Barack Obama

Appearing on the Andrea Tantaros Show, Dr. Alveda King blasts Barack Obama from the 2013 March for Life. King says Obama does not live...
Justice with Judge Jeanine

Judge Jeanine: Time to start worrying about the leftist agenda

As the Democratic clown car literally packed with B-list candidates: Bernie, Biden, Buttigieg and Bloomberg bumbles along with clowns tripping over their clown shoes...