Did You Vote For Bidenomics? Don't Think So. Policies Matter.

Biden’s policies sustain poverty in America

After four years of a Biden presidency, more needs to be done to alleviate widespread poverty across America. Only a President Trump can achieve this.
BRICS Financial Forum Today: Is BRICS Currency?

America Today

The potential decline of the U.S. dollar as the world's primary reserve currency is often cited as a sign of America's waning economic influence.
World Headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidi Movement

A Weekend in the ‘Boiler Room’ of Judaism

It was with amusement and nostalgia that I listened to a rabbi from Atlanta refer to the room I was sitting in with 400 others as “the boiler room of Judaism”.

Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Activists

Many of our premier institutions of higher learning have turned into satanic campgrounds celebrating bloodthirsty maniacs that make the Nazi Party seem like...
School During Covid

Is this America or China?

Take your kids out of public schools ASAP. This is child abuse! Take your kids out of public schools ASAP. This is child abuse ...
Supreme Court Hears Trump's Arguments on Presidential Immunity

Oral arguments suggest the Supreme Court’s about to plunge into a constitutional abyss in...

In case before Supreme Court on immunity of Trump, nine justices appear to be working with feathers and glue on a plunge into a constitutional abyss.
Sorry America is Closed

Are Americans turning isolationist?

The “America First” foreign policy can potentially drive policy decisions that aim to bolster national security, economic growth, and job creation within the U.S.
Is Society Losing it's Moral Compass?

The Dismantling of Religion: Is Society Losing its Moral Compass?

It's important that we recognize the value of religion and the vital role it plays in society's continued growth and prosperity.
Sex, Gender, and Sexualit

Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: It’s Time to Figure It Out

I read an article entitled “Your Gender Identity Can Change Over Time, And Yes, That’s Totally Normal.” which raised questions demanding answers.
Homelessness in U.S. reaches a record high, federal report finds

Can homelessness become a focus issue in an election year?

Instead of waiting for a federal solution to homelessness, some states are working on their own to alleviate the homelessness problem.

Is Michelle Obama Fibbing?

The Democrats and Obamas are watching carefully and will make their move if they believe Michelle Obama stands a good chance of winning the Presidency in 2024

 Say What, Scott Presler for GOP Chair?

Scott Presler is a name being promoted for RNC Chair. Presler comes with an impressive political activist background, but brings his own baggage to the table.