American Exceptionalism: Dinesh D’Souza vs. Bill Ayers

On Wednesday, February 3, 2016, Dinesh D'Souza went head-to-head with the radical Bill Ayers on the University of Michigan campus discussing American Exceptionalism. "The...

Dave Ramsey breaks down capitalism vs. socialism

The Dave Ramsey Show host Dave Ramsey on the economy, capitalism versus socialism and the 2016 presidential election on Fox Business with Charles...

Child of Lesbian Parents Opposes Gay Marriage | ABC News

American Katy Faust was raised by her lesbian mother and her mother's partner. Katy Faust now runs a blog called asktheBigot, which is fiercely...
Oxford Union

David Webb – The United States is Not Institutionally Racist

Transcription Thank you Madam President. Ladies gentlemen, thank you all for attending. It is in more than interesting proposition that America is institutionally racist, and...

General Jim Mattis brings insight and clarity to the nature of war

In this episode of Uncommon Knowledge we are honored to have retired four-star General James Mattis to bring insight and clarity to the nature...

China is angling to replace the United States as a global superpower

In the bestselling but controversial new book "The Hundred-Year Marathon," author and former Pentagon official Michael Pillsbury argues that China is angling to replace...

The BORDER STATES of AMERICA with Nick Searcy

The Border States of America tells the story of human smugglers and drug cartels, of American citizens whose lives are at risk; and the toll on our communities and bring the truth about the border crisis and illegal immigration.
American Conversation Essentials

Video Playlist: American Conversation Essentials

American Conversation Essentials is brought to you by The Hoover Institution which encourages discussions, generate ideas, and disseminate information, which will help secure and...
U.S. Flag with Sunlight Cross

Obama is waging war on Americans?

By Dr. Keith Ablow ~ I believe that the Obama administration is conducting psychological warfare on conservative Americans. Not only that but it is also...

President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are liars

Judge Jeanine Pirro, who attended this week's Congressional hearing on Benghazi, says the testimony she witnessed proved President Obama and former Secretary of State...
“Hannity” Special On African American Conservatives

“Hannity” Special On African American Conservatives

Left-wing's latest target: Black Conservatives. Dr. Ben Carson, Deneen Borelli, David Webb and a tremendous line-up of African-American conservatives tackle the controversial issues surrounding...
The Center for Public Justice

Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Not a Civil Right

by James W. Skillen - The Center for Public Justice ~ A gay-marriage advocate in Boston explained to a radio reporter that marriage is...