1984: Grace Commission Report under Ronald Reagan showed IRS is a fraud that collects...

"100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt … all individual income tax revenues are gone before one...

Richard Feynman: Cargo Cult Science

Cargo Cult Science is a 1974 Caltech commencement address given by theoretical physicist Richard Feynman discussing scientific integrity. Transcript During the Middle Ages there were all...
Statue of Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan, Champion of Freedom

Fifty-five years ago, freedom reigned for a brief moment in Communist Hungary. On October 23, 1956, student protesters marched through the streets of Budapest...

The Great Debate: Dinesh D’Souza v. Dr. Michael Shermer

Dinesh D'Souza and Dr. Michael Shermer debate on what are arguably two of the most important questions in the culture wars today — Is Religion...

Victor Davis Hanson — The New Old World Order

Beginning with an explanation of why the post-Cold War New World Order is rapidly breaking apart, Victor Davis Hanson sees a world where nations...
Obama teaching at Chicago Law

Lazy, Unqualified & Never Attended Any of the Faculty Meetings

Highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law on Obama, “Professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, and never attended any of the faculty meetings.”

The Politics of Hollywood with Andrew Breitbart

Identified as one of the ten most important people in the media that nobody's ever met, Andrew Breitbart details why leftward-leaning Hollywood is dangerous...

Victor Davis Hanson: War and Democracy in Ancient and Contemporary Middle East

Victor Davis Hanson, Professor of Classics at California State University at Fresno, leads a discussion on the nature of war throughout civilization and...

Is Fossil Fuel Actually Produced Renewably Inside the Earth? Some Scientists Theorize ‘Abiotic’ Origins...

Proponents of the inorganic origin or abiotic theory say oil may instead be a primordial substance that rises up from the Earth’s depths through fissures.