Thought Spot

Points: Thought Spot

Sorry America is Closed

Are Americans turning isolationist?

The “America First” foreign policy can potentially drive policy decisions that aim to bolster national security, economic growth, and job creation within the U.S.
World Headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidi Movement

A Weekend in the ‘Boiler Room’ of Judaism

It was with amusement and nostalgia that I listened to a rabbi from Atlanta refer to the room I was sitting in with 400 others as “the boiler room of Judaism”.
Los Angeles Port

Chart of the Day: That’s One Way to Fix Supply Chains – Stop Buying...

The reasons for supply chains clearing backlogs are not because they have fixed supply chain issues but because there is simply less product being shipped.
House Sales in American

Chart of the Day: Housing Hit Bottom? Realtors Seem to Think So

Sales of all types of previously owned houses, condos, and co-ops in the U.S. plunged by 7.7% in November from October, the 10th month in a row of declines.
Homelessness in U.S. reaches a record high, federal report finds

Can homelessness become a focus issue in an election year?

Instead of waiting for a federal solution to homelessness, some states are working on their own to alleviate the homelessness problem.
A glass that builds and heals itself

Is This How God Works?

I've taken to spelling the supreme being as G-d with a hyphen as part of my spiritual journey. The name of the creator of the universe is too holy for humans to write out.

What Are Libraries For?

Libraries should be what they were always intended to be, what the first ones were—temples of books.
Is Society Losing it's Moral Compass?

The Dismantling of Religion: Is Society Losing its Moral Compass?

It's important that we recognize the value of religion and the vital role it plays in society's continued growth and prosperity.
Footage from the Wuhan Institute of Virology

Chart of the Day: Why is the “Lab Leak” Theory Suddenly Becoming so Relevant?

If the Chinese Communist Party pushes forward on its recent initiatives, the U.S. may push forward on the "Wuhan Lab Leak" theory in a tit-for-tat move.