Victor Davis Hanson: Imagine the Unimaginable

Americans are entering uncharted, revolutionary territory and may witness things over the next 5 months that once seemed unimaginable.

Kenny Xu on ‘An Inconvenient Minority’ and How the Push for Equity Is Dumbing...

“They claim to be attacking white supremacy, but really, they’re attacking meritocracy,” says Kenny Xu, author of “An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian...
Pro-Palestine Protests In US: Can Anti-Mask Law, Police Brutality Stop Protesting Students?| Decoded

The Masked and the Super Masked

Black ones, scarves and keffiyehs as masks are upon us all with various intents—to scare us; to hide identities or to create faddist as part of the "in crowd".

The Tucker Carlson Effect

Does Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin threaten the Biden administration’s Ukraine War narrative — and others?
Trump: will be ‘honor’ to post $175M fraud case bond after appeals court cuts funds due from $454M

 Letitia’s Grand Larceny by Litigation

NY AG Letitia James is famous for restating the old adage, “No one is above law.” But in these days of Democrat lawfare, that no longer applies to Democrats.
The Supreme Court Blocked it but that didn't stop me!!

 Joe Biden – Criminal at Large

America is a nation under attack from within and that attack is being perpetrated by Joe Biden, the DNC, and nefarious other parties to be identified.
Truth For Health Foundation Press Conference

Fertility Problems resulting from the COVID-19 Vaccines

Truth for Health Foundation - Stop the Shot Continuation - Press Conference outlining Fertility Problems resulting from the COVID-19 Vaccines took place on August...

7 Reasons Why “White Fragility” is the Worst Book Ever

Ben Shapiro says he had the great displeasure of reading the book "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About...

War Over Constitution at the Heart of Our Country’s Division: Roger L. Simon

A war over the Constitution has brought divisions in America to a “truly unhealthy” level, according to Roger L. Simon, co-founder of PJ Media and...

The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society | John...

Address Of The President At The Dinner Of The Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Association, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, New York, April 27,...

Sen. Johnson To Hold Panel Discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion

Sen. Ron Johnson held panel, COVID 19: A Second Opinion, with doctors and medical experts providing different perspectives on global pandemic.

The Greatest Threat to the Chinese Communist Party is the Truth – SOS Mike...

“President Nixon once said he feared he had created a “Frankenstein” by opening the world to the CCP, and here we are,” said U.S....