35 Years After Tiananmen, Escaped Spy Reveals How Beijing Hunts Dissidents in US

Who Will Rescue 1.4 Billion Hostages in Communist China?

CCP's Xi Jinping is forcing 1.4 billion Chinese citizens down path to conflict, including against the U.S, Europe, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
How Sweden is Destroyed by the Immigration Crisis

The Great Migrant Dumping Wars of Europe

The Olympic game the Brotherhood of European Nations will play this year is a contest to see who can offload the maximum volume of migrants onto their neighbors.
“Death to America! Death to Israel!"

Israel and the Palestinians:  Dignity Beyond the Status Quo

After 30 years, let's state what has been obvious for a decade, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict can't be resolved through the proverbial “two-state solution.”

Fourteen Years in the Making, the Story of Julian

It's official, a news publisher – doing his job – has been “railroaded” into admitting something others have done and not been charged with or prosecuted for.
Christ Crucified

Western Secularism: Its Fear of Losing Control

Majority of nation’s major Christian groups are leaving biblical foundations behind and exchanging traditional theological beliefs for culture’s secular values.
Sykes-Picot Agreement in Lawrence of Arabia

British – French Imperialism Today: The Legacy of Sykes-Picot

Current effects of British and French Imperialism in the Middle East stemming from the “line in the sand” of Sykes-Picot more than 100 years ago.
Jake Tapper NOT Impartial as Debate Moderator

 The CNN Debate Propagandists  

Leftists paint people on right as Nazi fascists with Trump as Hitler. Here's how this is exhibited by CNN in ramp up to hosting the 2024 Presidential Debate.
How Concerned Should The U.S. Population Be About Bird Flu?

Return of Forced Masking (+Safety Goggles!) Imminent For Bird Flu?

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
Jimmy Lai: Imprisoned for Publishing the Truth

Jimmy Lai’s Imprisonment Is a Blueprint for How Authoritarians Use ‘National Security’ to Crush...

Preserving the freedom of Hong Kong had become billionaire Jimmy Lai's life mission. “Without freedom, we have nothing,” Lai often said.
House Sales in American

Another Blow to the Housing Market

If you can't think of buying a new house now, it’s going to be harder in the future. If you are hoping to sell, it’s a great time, but there's nothing to buy.
Hooters SHUTS-DOWN 40 Bars OVERNIGHT, Waitresses Left in SHOCK, Crying On-Video: 'END of Hooters?'

Build Back Better Means, Restaurants Retired and Razed

Joe Biden’s administration will go down in history more for its memories of death and destruction rather than building anything back better. One example...
Why America could fail again: Dr. Birx's stark pandemic warning

Bird Flu Propaganda: Terror Rising Pt. 1

I have a feeling a heifer holocaust is about to ensue, some PCR manufacturers are going to get rich(er), and Doctor Deb is going to get a fat kickback . . .